Posted on: 07/29/07 10:41am
By: jmucchiello
If there are exactly 10 items (or a multiple thereof) in the search results, the search page still displays a "1 2 next" navigation links even though there is no next page. Hitting next gives you an empty search result.
Re: Minor Search bug
Posted on: 08/04/07 03:14pm
By: Dirk
Actually, that's more or less intentional. To know in advance that there are no results for the next page would require another SQL request to count the total number of results - and this is to be avoided since it can time out on large sites.
I guess it could be fixed by requesting 11 instead of 10 results per page - you would still display only 10 but know whether or not there's another page. Sounds easier than it is to implement, though, so don't hold your breath ...
bye, Dirk