Posted on: 08/23/07 03:19pm
By: MaXi_XCeL
Why not start a topic to show of my Geeklog site ;-)
I've been working with Geeklog for quite a few years now but always stayed on the surface of the technique. Always tried to alter the code, sometimes with success and sometimes with failure. Never took the time to really understand PHP but always been able to make things fit.
Unfortunally this site is 100% dutch but those whom are familliar with Geeklog will find there way. Digitaalscrappen is a digital scrapbook community. I set up this website as a christmas gift in 2005 for the mother of my girlfriend. Now it averages with 300 / 400 unique visitors a day, where 20 or so users are daily-diehards.
The theme was originally created by Axonz which I altered a bit. Still some issues in Safari and Firefox (by my own mistakes) so all your remarks are welcomed dearly
Check it out[*1]
Cheers! David
Posted on: 08/23/07 04:35pm
By: beewee
Há, eindelijk weer eens een Nederlandse Geeklog site!
Posted on: 08/23/07 04:37pm
By: MaXi_XCeL
And your looks fine as well

Any tips? :shakehands:
Posted on: 08/23/07 05:50pm
By: beewee
Quote by: MaXi_XCeLAnd your looks fine as well 
It will look even better in a few weeks, the new layout is nearly ready....
Posted on: 08/23/07 05:56pm
By: MaXi_XCeL
Post a reply when you onlined your new theme so I can check it