Posted on: 09/27/07 02:43pm
By: machinari
find the file
evList is a calendar alternative. It is an event list.
- presents a well formatted list of events foregoing the bulky calendar tables.
- user friendly admin panels.
- php block to display various event ranges (default: upcoming events).
- numerous editor fields to ensure that no information is lacking.
- flexibility in which fields are required and which are not.
- supports recurring events and multiple formats for recurring events.
- supports split events, and all day events.
- supports gl autotags, stats, search and various other gl integrations.
- supports event categories and multiple categories per event.
- a script is provided that can import your current gl calendar events for use alongside or instead of the calendar (will not delete them from the calendar's db table).
- default events display various functions of evList.
- ...but I forgot the install instructions.
- find the file
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 09/27/07 03:24pm
By: Anonymous (geekdude)
Too bad it won't install SQL errors... Hacked through those but it won't run either, more SQL errors
Thu Sep 27 14:08:24 2007 - 1242: Subquery returns more than 1 row. SQL in question: SELECT format FROM gl_evlist_dateformat WHERE id = (SELECT date_format FROM gl_evlist_settings)
Did anyone actually test this before released
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 09/27/07 03:45pm
By: machinari
thanks for your 2cents, but i'm not really interested in your anonymous attitude. it has been uninstalled and installed about 22 times in the last 2 weeks without issue. I've been the only one testing and it works great.
The only bug i've found so far that hasn't been fixed is in the category management page. and it's not one that breaks the plugin, just makes creation an extra click or two.
about your error: your settings table should only have one row, which means you screwed up the install and left the table before you installed it again. remove the extra row(s).
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 09/27/07 04:00pm
By: machinari
whoops. had a quick look and the last change i made before i tarred it up double up on the default values being installed.
here is what is was:
Text Formatted Code
// Default data
// Insert table name and sql to insert default data for your plugin.
// This will create the block definition and set the default user preferences
$DEFVALUES = array();
$DEFVALUES[] = "INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['evlist_categories']} VALUES ('','General','0'),('','Birthdays','0'),('','Seminars','0')";
$DEFVALUES[] = "INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['evlist_settings']} SET
remove the categories and settings inserts like so:
Text Formatted Code
// Default data
// Insert table name and sql to insert default data for your plugin.
// This will create the block definition and set the default user preferences
$DEFVALUES = array();
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 09/27/07 04:16pm
By: machinari
I've just uploaded the fixed archive. look for
version 1.0.1[*1] in the downloads section.
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 09/27/07 04:37pm
By: Anonymous (chump)
Thanks for the work; however I am geting a error on the plugin install. Error stats :1264: Out of range value adjusted for column 'id' at row 1. SQL in question:
Any ideas?
PHP 5.x
MySQL 5.x
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 09/27/07 04:58pm
By: Anonymous (Chump)
Commented out the following from my.ini and restarted MySQL.
Installed fine.
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 09/27/07 05:04pm
By: machinari
good to know. Thanks for that.
I was at a loss
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 09/27/07 05:16pm
By: machinari
k, not totally lost.
it was caused by the empty strings being inserted (default values) into the INT column of the categories table.
It doesn't hurt to supply id's for those few default inserts (e.g., 1,2, and 3). Removing the default values for the categories all together also wont hurt. They're just examples anyway.
So if you want to run mySQL 5 in strict mode (which really you should want to) then you can expect more of these errors. I'll have to rewrite a small number of queries to deal with it.
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 09/27/07 10:08pm
By: Anonymous (geekdude)
it has been uninstalled and installed about 22 times in the last 2 weeks without issue. I've been the only one testing and it works great.
whoops. had a quick look and the last change i made before i tarred it up double up on the default values being installed.
that answer my question. i would hav done the testing after the changes. no mysql5 support either, nice.
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 09/27/07 10:30pm
By: machinari
Quote by: geekdude
that answer my question. i would hav done the testing after the changes. no mysql5 support either, nice.[/p]
more anonymous attitude, nice. So go do some testing and quit complaining. nobody's forcing you to use it and you're getting it for free so I really don't understand why you're being such a jerk--though I have a theory.
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 09/28/07 12:28pm
By: DTrumbower
When trying to edit an existing event, I get the following.
Text Formatted Code
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: sec_getgroupdropdown() in /var/www/ on line 690
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 09/28/07 01:43pm
By: Dirk
That function was only introduced in Geeklog 1.4.1. So I guess that's the minimum requirement for this plugin (and should probably be checked during installation).
bye, Dirk
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 09/28/07 02:13pm
By: machinari
the file name should probably tip you off that 1.4.1 is required. "evlist_1.0.1_1.4.1.tar.gz".
guess I can throw a "if function_exists" check into the routine.
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 09/28/07 02:17pm
By: Blaine
It's probably best to use this function in the install.php and test for the existance of the function before the user is allowed to install it.
function plugin_compatible_with_this_geeklog_version ()
return true;
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 09/28/07 03:21pm
By: machinari
found another minor bug: when centerblock is set to appear after featured story it actually appears at the top of the page as well as after the featured story. that kinda sucks.
It was just a misplaced curly brace--sorry.
Find the following in plugin_centerblock_evlist():
Text Formatted Code
// get position from stories query to account for 'after featured' position.
if ($position == 2) {
if (($where == 1) && ($_CONF['showfirstasfeatured'] == 0)) {
if (!empty($topic)) {
$AND = " AND tid = '$topic'";
//$result = DB_query("SELECT sid FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE featured = '1'" . $AND . " LIMIT 1");
if (DB_count($_TABLES['stories'], array('featured', 'tid'), array(1, $topic)) < 1) {
// no featured story found - redefine position
$position = 1;
and change it to this:
Text Formatted Code
// get position from stories query to account for 'after featured' position.
if ($position == 2) {
if (($where == 1) && ($_CONF['showfirstasfeatured'] == 0)) {
if (!empty($topic)) {
if (DB_count($_TABLES['stories'], array('featured', 'tid'), array(1, $topic)) < 1) {
// no featured story found - redefine position
$position = 1;
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 09/28/07 03:46pm
By: machinari

one more.
a couple of date displays weren't being formatted according to the config's setting.
in event.php, evlist_display_event() find the following:
Text Formatted Code
$A['date_end1'] = (!empty($A['date_end1']) && $A['date_end1'] != '0000-00-00') ? date("Y-m-d", strtotime($A['date_end1']) + $timediff) : '';
$A['date_start2'] = (!empty($A['date_start2']) && $A['date_start2'] != '0000-00-00') ? date("Y-m-d", strtotime($A['date_start2']) + $timediff) : '';
$A['date_end2'] = (!empty($A['date_end2']) && $A['date_end2'] != '0000-00-00') ? date("Y-m-d", strtotime($A['date_end2']) + $timediff) : '';
and change to this:
Text Formatted Code
$A['date_end1'] = (!empty($A['date_end1']) && $A['date_end1'] != '0000-00-00') ? evlist_displayFormatedDate(strtotime($A['date_end1']) + $timediff) : '';
$A['date_start2'] = (!empty($A['date_start2']) && $A['date_start2'] != '0000-00-00') ? evlist_displayFormatedDate(strtotime($A['date_start2']) + $timediff) : '';
$A['date_end2'] = (!empty($A['date_end2']) && $A['date_end2'] != '0000-00-00') ? evlist_displayFormatedDate(strtotime($A['date_end2']) + $timediff) : '';
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 09/28/07 04:01pm
By: machinari
Quote by: BlaineIt's probably best to use this function in the install.php and test for the existance of the function before the user is allowed to install it.
function plugin_compatible_with_this_geeklog_version ()
return true;
apparently I did have this defined in my install.php, but never finished it. Must've been distracted.
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/04/07 09:30pm
By: casper
Hey Machinari!
Nice plugin, have tested it a bit now and found it to suit some needs :ThumbsUp:
One problem though:
I have url_rewrite enabled, and that does not work well in evlist for me.
When clicking on an event I get redirected to the event listing instead of the details for the event,
and the profile-link also gets messed up.
what do I need to do solve this?
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/04/07 10:43pm
By: machinari
My bad--obviously.
I used COM_buildURL() with the intention that I would support url_rewrite and I neglected to follow it through.
I'll fix it up and shoot you a new file probably by tomorrow.
thanks for the heads up.
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/05/07 03:49am
By: machinari
After having a quick look at the number of arguments I'm passing via GET and the inconsistent order inwhich I'm passing them, I think I'll just remove all the calls to COM_buildURL(). Most of them shouldn't have gone in there anyway, like the url to the editor or to the quick delete, etc.
I can make the order more consistent, but because the number of args isn't consistent, it's a bit of a hassle.
might be easier if something like this existed in lib-common.php:
Text Formatted Code
function COM_numArgs(){
global $_URL;
return $_URL->numArguments();
I guess i can just put it into evList, but... How bad do you want nice URL's for your events?
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/05/07 07:41am
By: casper
Actually, I think the rewrite done in GL isnt of such quality to put to much work into it.
So for the evlist Im very fine without.
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/06/07 03:54am
By: machinari
I've uploaded version 1.0.2 to Look for version 1.0.2 before you download.
If you are upgrading make sure you read the upgrade.txt file. There are just a couple of minor database changes, but that means you'll have to disable the phpblock before you update the files or you'll get a SQL error.
This version takes care of everything discussed in this thread as well as url_rewrite, which is supported for event titles and readmore links. btw, evList does run fine under php5 and mysql5 (tho I haven't bothered much with strict mode except the earlier mentioned fix).
thanks for your feedback and here's to hoping I didn't break it :BigGulp:
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/08/07 11:51pm
By: casper
Installed the update now, and issues with rewrite seems to be solved in a good manner.
Found one issue with the centerblock:
When selecting "After featured story" and there are no featured story the centerblock disappears from the frontpage. In topics it shows.
This is a really nice plugin, good work!
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/09/07 12:04am
By: machinari
Quote by: casper
When selecting "After featured story" and there are no featured story the centerblock disappears from the frontpage. In topics it shows.
hmm.. thought I had worked that one out. I go over it again and post back.
Quote by: casper
This is a really nice plugin, good work!
Thanks! It gets better with a few more bug fixes and just today I added event reminders--it's a holiday where I am so I was bored.
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/09/07 07:06pm
By: machinari
Quote by: casper
Found one issue with the centerblock
fixed it.
find plugin_centerblock_evlist in and change this:
Text Formatted Code
// get position from stories query to account for 'after featured' position.
if ($position == 2) {
if (($where == 1) && ($_CONF['showfirstasfeatured'] == 0)) {
if (!empty($topic)) {
if (DB_count($_TABLES['stories'], array('featured', 'tid'), array(1, $topic)) < 1) {
// no featured story found - redefine position
$position = 1;
to this:
Text Formatted Code
// get position from stories query to account for 'after featured' position.
if ($position == 2) {
if (($where == 1) && ($_CONF['showfirstasfeatured'] == 0)) {
if (!empty($topic)) {
if (DB_count($_TABLES['stories'], array('featured', 'tid', 'draft_flag'), array(1, $topic, 0)) < 1) {
// no featured story found in topic - redefine position
$position = 1;
} else {//redefine position if no featured story on front page
if (DB_count($_TABLES['stories'], array('featured', 'frontpage', 'draft_flag'), array(1, 1, 0)) < 1) {
// no featured story found - redefine position
$position = 1;
} elseif ($where == 1) {
if (!empty($topic)) {//redifine position if no featured story in topic page
if (DB_count($_TABLES['stories'], array('featured', 'tid', 'draft_flag'), array(1, $topic, 0)) < 1) {
// no featured story found - redefine position
$position = 1;
} else {//redifine position if no featured story on front page
if (DB_count($_TABLES['stories'], array('featured', 'frontpage', 'draft_flag'), array(1, 1, 0)) < 1) {
// no featured story found - redefine position
$position = 1;
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/09/07 07:57pm
By: casper
Yup, that worked well

Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/09/07 09:01pm
By: jcz
I don't have a lot of time to play with this, but I'm curious. Can someone post some screenshots of what this thing does?
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/09/07 10:32pm
By: casper
In the centerblock when selecting the range "upcoming", is there any option to make a event disappear once the set time has passed instead of waiting for the next day?
And in the list-view, when trying to sort pr category it still shows all added events from all categories.
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/09/07 10:40pm
By: machinari
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/10/07 12:15am
By: machinari
Quote by: casper
In the centerblock when selecting the range "upcoming", is there any option to make a event disappear once the set time has passed instead of waiting for the next day?
I'll work on this first thing tomorrow and I'll let you know. I just have to adjust the query to include the time of day. thanks for noticing.
Quote by: casper
And in the list-view, when trying to sort pr category it still shows all added events from all categories.
whoops, i broke that when i fixed the url_rewrite issue.
change the following in index.php around line 151-158:
Text Formatted Code
$op = COM_applyFilter(COM_getArgument('op'));
$range = COM_applyFilter(COM_getArgument('range'),true);
$cat = COM_applyFilter(COM_getArgument('cat'),true);
if (!empty($cat)) {
$catname = DB_getItem($_TABLES['evlist_categories'], 'name', "id = '$cat'");
to this:
Text Formatted Code
$op = COM_applyFilter(COM_getArgument('op'));
$range = COM_applyFilter(COM_getArgument('range'),true);
$category = COM_applyFilter(COM_getArgument('cat'),true);
if (!empty($category)) {
$catname = DB_getItem($_TABLES['evlist_categories'], 'name', "id = '$category'");
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/10/07 12:17am
By: machinari
I guess I should've called these "release candidates" eh?! :wink:
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/10/07 05:12am
By: machinari
Quote by: casperIn the centerblock when selecting the range "upcoming", is there any option to make a event disappear once the set time has passed instead of waiting for the next day?
This is done now, but because it involved one small database change I hope you can wait for the next release.
Once the start
time has passed the current time the event will appear under past events rather than upcoming events. It was that the start
date had to wait for the current date to pass before the event would be listed as past.
hmmm.... I wonder if I should throw an option in the dropdown to list events going on atm..
What do you think? Any use for that or would it just be clutter?
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/10/07 09:32am
By: casper
Changed index.php now and it seems to be wery good
I'll wait pationatly for next release for the other change, no hurry, just getting started in testing and implementing a structure for the use of evlist. Newer used the calendar since it hasent had the funtionality of evlist.
For _me_ there are no need for the option "ongoing/current/this day", but for users with an array of events on one day I can see the use for this.
Thanks for the good work!
Found a new, fatal error:
I only get page not found, click here to retry when clicking on your paypal-button.
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/10/07 01:53pm
By: machinari
Quote by: casper
Found a new, fatal error:
I only get page not found, click here to retry when clicking on your paypal-button.
I've just clicked both paypal buttons and they seem to work. Must have been a paypal issue.
I'ts the thought that counts though right?! :wink:
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/10/07 04:29pm
By: machinari
Quote by: casperIn the centerblock when selecting the range "upcoming", is there any option to make a event disappear once the set time has passed instead of waiting for the next day?
I was thinking... Should this be an option? or just default? I've adjusted the query so that the event disappears from the list as soon as now passes the event's start_time and I agree that this should in fact be the default behavior, but I wonder if some would prefer their events to remain on the list until the next day. It's easy enough to put an extra setting in the config screen. Any thoughts?
Personally I think this type of option is just "clutter." The client I initially wrote this for prefers the latter option, but she can't give me a reason beyond "i like to see the event box," so not really helpful.
This would be solved by an option to display ongoing/current events except that end dates are not required and so the result would be very inconsistent.
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/11/07 09:54am
By: casper
Quote by: machinari
I've just clicked both paypal buttons and they seem to work. Must have been a paypal issue.
I'ts the thought that counts though right?! :wink:
Found ot that it works on my other computer, so let see if we can convert a good thought into some beers for programming
Quote by: machinari
I was thinking... Should this be an option? or just default? I've adjusted the query so that the event disappears from the list as soon as now passes the event's start_time and I agree that this should in fact be the default behavior, but I wonder if some would prefer their events to remain on the list until the next day. It's easy enough to put an extra setting in the config screen. Any thoughts?
Personally I think this type of option is just "clutter." The client I initially wrote this for prefers the latter option, but she can't give me a reason beyond "i like to see the event box," so not really helpful.
This would be solved by an option to display ongoing/current events except that end dates are not required and so the result would be very inconsistent.
I see the use for others to have it the way it is now, with todays events visible until next day.
If it is an easy fix to add my request as an option in config it sure makes it easier to satisfy both needs.
One way or the other we get some "clutter" when expanding with more features and gives the users more options to consider. Really not sure what is the best solution. Personally I like the option to control this in config.
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/19/07 01:16am
By: machinari
version 1.1 is ready to go. Before I submit it to the gl downloads page, anybody want to test the upgrade for me. I have tested it a number of times and on a production site as well, but I just want to be sure. shoot me an email.
this version sports event reminders, a few more options, and of course a number of bug fixes. There cant be too many more of those.
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/28/07 12:45pm
By: Anonymous (45)
I got errors:
Text Formatted Code
Sun 28 Oct 2007 07:54:30 MST - Registering evList plugin with Geeklog
Sun 28 Oct 2007 07:54:30 MST - Successfully installed the evList plugin!
Sun 28 Oct 2007 07:59:51 MST - 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SELECT date_format FROM gl_evlist_settings)' at line 1. SQL in question: SELECT format FROM gl_evlist_dateformat WHERE id = (SELECT date_format FROM gl_evlist_settings)
Sun 28 Oct 2007 08:02:19 MST - 1062: Duplicate entry 'Birthday' for key 2. SQL in question: INSERT INTO gl_evlist_categories SET name = 'Birthday', status = '1'
Sun 28 Oct 2007 08:14:15 MST - 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LIKE gl_evlist_events)' at line 2. SQL in question: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE evlist_temp_events
(LIKE gl_evlist_events)
Sun 28 Oct 2007 08:18:45 MST - 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SELECT date_format FROM gl_evlist_settings)' at line 1. SQL in question: SELECT format FROM gl_evlist_dateformat WHERE id = (SELECT date_format FROM gl_evlist_settings)
Sun 28 Oct 2007 08:38:51 MST - 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LIKE gl_evlist_events)' at line 2. SQL in question: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE evlist_temp_events
(LIKE gl_evlist_events)
Sun 28 Oct 2007 08:39:04 MST - 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LIKE gl_evlist_events)' at line 2. SQL in question: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE evlist_temp_events
(LIKE gl_evlist_events)
I'm using geeklog ver 1.4.1
and MySQL ver 4.0.20
evlist ver 1.1
I'm hoping that I don't have to upgrade my MySQL, any comments would be appreciated!
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/28/07 03:54pm
By: machinari
yup. Start by installing evList 1.3, which can now be
found here[*3] at It fixes the bugs that have been found to date. Your issue with the duplicate entry is also dealt with.
I'm not going to look at that syntax error until after you've installed evList 1.3, but know that I used MySQL 4.1 min. syntax in a number of places. Upgrading your MySQL is a good idea anyway.
... after a bit of quick research: MySQL versions prior to 4.1 don't support sub-queries, which is what is giving you your syntax error.
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/28/07 05:07pm
By: Anonymous (45)
cool, well, at least I have a starting point!
I'll upgrade MySQL, (ugh)
and upgrade to evlist 1.3 then I'll get back to ya with success, or awww, rats.
I like the evlist, I'm anxious to try and get the list to be viewable in the calendar as well.
OK, thanks!!
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/28/07 05:29pm
By: machinari
did I say evList 1.3? what the heck am I talking about. :shock:
The middle of the afternoon and It's still too early. The latest version is still 1.1. So don't be disappointed when you can't find 1.3. Just upgrade your mysql and we'll go from there.
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/28/07 05:58pm
By: Anonymous (45)
yep I figured that out, but I was a wonderin there for a minute or three.
Quote by: machinaridid I say evList 1.3? what the heck am I talking about. :shock:
The middle of the afternoon and It's still too early. The latest version is still 1.1. So don't be disappointed when you can't find 1.3. Just upgrade your mysql and we'll go from there.
The upgrade to MySQL 4.1.x worked!
Thanks! I do like bein able to have events with reminders!
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/30/07 10:52am
By: muntada
How is the import.php script intended to be run? Through the command line or is their a web interface? I am unable to find a menu item to run this script.
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/30/07 01:22pm
By: machinari
You can find the function in the calendar_import.php file. Simply include the file and call the function from any page. Only run it once or you'll double up your entries. After you've run it, remove the call from whatever page you put it in.
I never bothered to include it into any menu for that reason.
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/31/07 07:31am
By: muntada
Thanks. I think there is an issue in the insert or in the table as when I try to run the script, here is what I am getting in the error.log:
Wed 31 Oct 2007 07:14:24 AM EDT - 1062: Duplicate entry '' for key 1. SQL in question: INSERT INTO gl_evlist_events SET
title = 'District Roundtable', full_description = 'Goose Creek District Cub Scout and Boy Scout roundtables and the OA Chapter meeting are held concurrently at 7:30 PM on the second Wednesday of each month (except in July when no meeting is held) at Leesburg United Methodist Church at 107 W Market St.. All Scout leaders are encouraged to attend the roundtable.',
date_start1 = '2007-10-10', date_end1 = '2007-10-10',
url = '', street = '107 W Market St.', city = 'Leesburg',
province = 'VA', postal = '', allday = '0',
location = '19:30:00', time_start1 = '19:30:00',
time_end1 = '20:45:00', group_id = '7', status = '1',
postmode = '1', owner_id = '2',
perm_owner = '3', perm_group = '3',
perm_members = '2', perm_anon = '2'
When I look at the table, the id field has no value.
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 10/31/07 01:55pm
By: machinari
find this bit in the calendar import function:
Text Formatted Code
DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['evlist_events']} SET
title = '{$A['title']}', full_description = '{$A['description']}',
and change it to this:
Text Formatted Code
$event_id = COM_makesid();
DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['evlist_events']} SET
id = '$event_id',
title = '{$A['title']}', full_description = '{$A['description']}',
Now you'll have an id. The problem was that I had changed how the evlist table functions since I wrote that script and never bothered to update it.
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 11/01/07 09:51am
By: muntada
Thanks. Now let me say this, thank you very much!
Your plugin is what people have been looking for in functionality with the calendar plugin for a long time. It would be wonderful if the evlist and calendar plugin were one in the same and the only difference was a preference on how to display the events (either calendar or list mode). Perhaps someone who is working the calendar plugin development will take note. I asked a question about that but didn't see any response. It might be possible that through a commission from a client that I will have the funds to pursue such development through a member of my team. If that comes to bear, I most definitely would like to collaborate with you.
One more question for you if I may, please take a look at and see the way the format came out. As a combination of the theme I am using and the way you are formatting the output, you see that there is a bullet that that is showing up that is conflicting with the text.
I took a look at the template files and believe I could make a modification there. However, I wanted to ask you if real briefly, what would be the best way in your opinion to make a modification that would be most in line with your style so that I can make it as smooth of an integration as possible.
Again, thanks a bunch!
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 11/01/07 01:24pm
By: machinari
If it was me, I would simply define a new class for that heading using an attribute selector, like "h1.event_heading", then it should take precedence over your "#main h1" that you have already defined for the outer div. I think. (don't forget to add the class to the template file)
Even better, I might add a class to the div itself, in which case you would then use a descendant selector or a child selector to define your style for the heading. I think that would be the more flexible way to go. So, for example, in list_item.thtml:
Text Formatted Code
<div class="eventlistitem">
<p class="pluginSmallText">{date_summary}<br />{more_link} | {contact_link}<br />
<span style="text-align:right;">{edit_links}</span></p>
<!--<div style="text-align:center;"><hr style="width:80%;"></div>-->
Re: evList is available now!
Posted on: 11/01/07 01:37pm
By: machinari
Quote by: muntadaIt would be wonderful if the evlist and calendar plugin were one in the same and the only difference was a preference on how to display the events (either calendar or list mode).
Well, integrating one into the other simply isn't going to happen. It's just easier to add a list to the calendar or a calendar to the list. The only way I would even consider adding a calendar to evList as an option (a simple addition) would be if Joe doesn't actually finish his calendar upgrade, which I think is improbable. So your other option is to bug Joe to add a list to the calendar, which is an even easier addition than the other way around.