Posted on: 11/19/07 02:39pm
By: Anonymous (Dom)
I'm running an SMF forum, also geeklog. Is there a way that I could get geeklog's search to display relevent pages from the forum as well?
I've searched the forums and could not find documentation on this issue, or perhaps I'm using the wrong keywords. I'd appreciate advice or a link to a previous post that covers this issue, if it's possible of course.
Thank you,
Re: Add SMF pages to search?
Posted on: 11/20/07 01:57am
By: Dirk
You would need to write a plugin (for Geeklog, that is) that runs the SMF search and returns the results to Geeklog. I did something like this - years ago - for YaBB (must be in the downloads section somewhere - try a search).
bye, Dirk
Re: Add SMF pages to search?
Posted on: 11/20/07 02:15am
By: Anonymous (Dom)
I'll try a search there, thanks Dirk.
Re: Add SMF pages to search?
Posted on: 11/20/07 03:35am
By: Dirk
Correction: It's in the
GPlugs CVS[*1] .
bye, Dirk