Posted on: 01/26/08 03:08pm
By: babby
I've recently upgraded from v1.3.7 (I know, I know) to v1.4.1.. I should have upgraded a long time ago, but it's partially due to the fact I was a novice over 5 years ago when I first started using GeekLog and I'm still a novice...The changes which have occurred between the versions have confused me even more.
For the most part, I've managed to customize just about everything to my liking. I am unable to figure out how to change the color of the title in the blocks without changing the color of the content text. The same goes for the title background. I am unable to locate the proper place to make the change.
My method is normally trial and error. Unfortunately, I've used that method on practically everything in style.css to no avail. I can see where I changed it in style.css in v1.3.7, but I'm not having any success making it work in v1.4.1.
I've been trying to figure this out on my own for the past 3 days. I've become desperate enough to put out a cry for help. Any help to point me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Re: Block title help needed please
Posted on: 01/26/08 05:01pm
By: 1000ideen
You may look at blockheader-left.thtml and similar. There is <h2>{block_title}</h2>. You may add an own class like <h2 class="mycolor">{block_title}</h2>
Re: Block title help needed please
Posted on: 01/27/08 12:53am
By: babby
Thank you for responding, 1000ideen. It appears the old version I was using had some html code which was removed in the later versions. I simply added a few lines to the blockheader left and right thtml files and easily achieved the look I wanted.
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. It is very much appreciated!