Posted on: 01/12/09 09:27pm
By: suprsidr
Added story cloning functionality to GL 1.5.1 - same functionality we have enjoyed with staticpages.
Makes foe easy story templating
get it
here[*1] .
Maybe Dirk will add it to future releases?
Re: Clone stories
Posted on: 01/19/09 06:15pm
By: ivy
Hi suprsidr,
It's nice work!
If the story's date is set, it 's better I think.
Re: Clone stories
Posted on: 01/20/09 09:41am
By: ivy
Re: Clone stories
Posted on: 12/26/09 01:46pm
By: suprsidr
I've updated this for geeklog 1.6.1
here[*1] .
@Dirk you should add this to future releases.
Its easy, keeps others from having to hack core code and would add a simple great feature.
And since I've done the work.... no skin off your back
Re: Clone stories
Posted on: 12/26/09 05:15pm
By: Dirk
I didn't see the point of this modification originally but have since
changed my mind[*3] . It didn't make it into 1.6.1 due to time constraints and the fact that the code had deviated too much for easy integration.
I'll take a look at the updated patch. Thanks!
bye, Dirk
Re: Clone stories
Posted on: 12/30/09 02:19pm
By: Dirk
Quote by: suprsidrAnd since I've done the work.... no skin off your back 
I've got it working, but I think it does need some work, to be honest.
For example, the cloned story gets new permissions (why?), but the story id is not changed. I would also expect the clone to have the current date / time while the various counters (hits, comments, trackbacks) should be reset. Those are easy to fix of course.
I'm not quite sure what to do with images, though. If the original story contains uploaded images, should those be copied, too?
bye, Dirk
Re: Clone stories
Posted on: 12/30/09 05:35pm
By: suprsidr
I'm not quite sure what to do with images, though. If the original story contains uploaded images, should those be copied, too?
Sure, why not.
I'm thinking nobody would really clone a story to have two of the same.
The purpose would more likely be for templating, so images might just act as placeholders.
Re: Clone stories
Posted on: 12/30/09 05:41pm
By: suprsidr
I should read all of it...
For example, the cloned story gets new permissions (why?)
I built a site for a marina who had multiple departments and story admins, each template I made was available to any story admin, but the the stories these admins published had a new owner, topic, rights...
It worked perfect.