Vincent Furia stopped developing the paypal plugin. Few days ago, he has given me the last version (0.2) and I plan to make a new release soon.
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Version 0.2
* Added support for Geeklog plugin "tags". [Samuel Ken]
* Added support for the "advanced editor": FCKEditor [Gary Moncrieff]
* Added support for categories. This is implemented similarly to the Geeklog
lists plugin.
* Added ability to selectively order product list
* Added support for currencies beyond US Dollars. The plugin now supports any
one currency that is also supported by Paypal.
* Added support for encrypted postbacks to paypal for IPN verification,
previously only unencrypted verification was supported.
* Added ability to upgrade database from the install.php script in the /admin
directory. Included upgrade instructions in docs/upgrade.
* Added some additional Geeklog plugin API functions to for
a tighter integration of functionality.
* The paypal plugin now supports purchases of quantity > 1. For digital items,
purchasing more than one item doesn't get you anything more than a single
purchase by default. This behavior can be overridden in IPN.class.php.
* handleFailure function added to BaseIPN.class.php which is called in the case
of a failure during processing. This can be overridden in IPN.class.php.
* Created a function to generate button html (paypal_genButton), no interface
as of yet
* Marked required fields on product edit form and now check that all required
fields are completed.
* Removed 'COMMENT' fields from DDL to support older versions of MySQL
* Fully support Anonymous purchases
* Added option to send out email upon completed purchase, including option to
attach purchased "downloads"
* Made IPN.class.php extend BaseIPN.class.php so users could customize
IPN.class.php without worrying about merging upgrades.
* Required fields are now marked as such. SQL errors will no longer results
when required fields are missing.
* When pictures are specified, will use the CSS style display: none to hide
image tags on user pages.
* Added Google like pagination to the products page
Version 0.1.1
* Added INSTALL instructions to fix bug in downloader.class.php for 1.3.11
* Fixed typo in allowedextensions config option
* Changed default paypal_url to from
* Fixed malformed sql string when txn_id specified in admin/purchase_history.php
* Configuration option added to allow anonymous users to purchase
- no email, no download currently available
* Fixed bug that under strange condiitions showed download link instead of
puchase buttons to logged in users
Version 0.1
* Security improvements for anonymous users
* No purchases necessary for free ($0.00) products
* Minor template/documentatino tweaks
Version 0.1rc1
* Initial Rlease
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TODO -- long term
* Generate HTML for buttons from admin pages (donate, buy now, add to cart,
* Upload files via web interface
* Ability change/modify product id (aka SKU)
* Create geeklog Blocks for Products
- Most popular products block
- Most recently created/updated products block
- Featured product block
* Add (email) notification for purchases/errors
- email admin (config.php configurable)
* public_html
- Product List by categories (similar to links)
* admin (html)
- Notification interface (email add/delete/modify)
- Preview when editing events?
- Upload files via web interface
* Handle purchases of physical products (shipping, etc)
- Support product status: order received, payment received, processing, shipped, etc.
* Handle subscriptions
* Multiple files available for download per product
- Version control for downloads
* Add access controls to products
* Multi-language support (GL language arrays)
* Support Paypal's Website Payment Pro API?
* (potential)
- plugin_showstats_paypal (stats!)
- plugin_searchtypes_paypal/plugin_dopluginsearch_paypal (serach!)
- plugin_centerblock_paypal? (nice optional display for index page)
- plugin_whatsnew_paypal (show new products in whats new block)
* Support user comments on products
* Replace paypal's shopping cart with one integrated into geeklog
* Check comments for completeness
* TEST!!!
A feature I would like to implement first is a changing group for an user who buy a membership. Let me know if you see a way of doing this.