Posted on: 04/26/23 12:07pm
By: n4th4n
Upgraded from 2.2.0 to 2.2.2 and its running on PHP 8.0 but trying to modify an existing page or create a new page I get the following error:
A PHP error has occurred:
(This text is only displayed to users in the group 'Root'
E_WARNING(2) - Undefined array key "path_to_mogrify" @ /home/myuser/geeklog/system/lib-article.php line 2791
Call Stack
# Function File Line
1 service_submit_story /home/myuser/geeklog/system/lib-plugins.php 3253
2 PLG_invokeService /home/myuser/ 962
3 submitstory /home/myuser/mydomain/admin/article.php 1017
Re: PHP 8.0 with GL 2.2.2 undefined array key path_to_mogrify
Posted on: 04/26/23 01:01pm
By: n4th4n
OK never mind. I figured that there must be a place in the configuration that defines where mogrify lives and that it wasn't filled in. Not sure how it got lost, but I found in Configuration | Geeklog Configuration | Images that the Path to Mogrify wasn't Enabled or populated.
Once I did that, everything is working.
Re: PHP 8.0 with GL 2.2.2 undefined array key path_to_mogrify
Posted on: 04/27/23 06:45am
By: Laugh
Glad to here!