Quote by destr0yr:Warning: fopen on line 1100
Hmmm, the file isn't supposed to exist in most cases. This is where I check to see if the file is already there, and if it is you can upload over top of it. So you can update the file. I think this must be a PHP setting of yours. Can you put your phpinfo up somewhere for me to see? Create a file with
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And put it up on your website somewhere. Mine is at https://secure.neap.net/phpinfo.php
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Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in /homepages/12/d88571136/htdocs/okg/plugins/upage/functions.inc on line 932
These are normal PHP statements as well. It has to have something with your PHP settings. Edit the file and change the single quotes on those two lines to double quotes out of curiousity. That shouldn't be it though. I honestly do not know what kind of problem it could have with this.
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$ret['x'] = 0;
$ret['y'] = 0;
Totally normal PHP.
the file is successfully saved, but its telling me that it doesnt exist, when in fact it does? i set perms to 777 just to test...
What is telling you it is not there? You mean it is not showing up in the list? That would mean no DB entry for it.
uhh... yah...
one last (nitpicky) thing, if images have spaces, it borks... maybe something that removes the spaces and renames the file?
Doh! Will do. You can add it yourself in the meantime. Look for the function UPIC_Upload() around line 1066, and insert this right after the 'global' declarations at the top of the function :
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$P['fclient'] = UPAGE_strip( $P['fclient'] );