Text Formatted Code
$display .='<div style="float:left; margin:5px; width:45%;">';
$display .= COM_startBlock ('Random Sod Shot');
$display .= phpblock_galleryRandomPhoto();
$display .= COM_endBlock();
$display .= COM_startBlock ('Latest Sod News');
//$display .= phpblock_phpicalendar();
$display .= static_rdf('18');
$display .= COM_endBlock();
$display .= COM_startBlock ('Weather at the Sod');
$display .= '<div class="jetbarweather"><a href="http://www.jetbar.com/cgi-bin/weather/hw3.cgi?zipcode=92116" target="_blank" title="Click for full forcast"><img src="http://www.jetbar.com/cgi-bin/weather/hw3.cgi?config=png&zipcode=92116&alt=hwicc" border="0" alt="Current weather at the Sod."></a><br/>Weather by <a href="http://www.jetbar.com/">Jetbar</a></div>';
$display .= COM_endBlock();
$display .='</div>';
$display .='<div class ="alllists">';
$display .= COM_startBlock ('Tonight at the Sod');
$display .= static_rdf('17');
$display .= COM_endBlock();
$display .= COM_startBlock ('This week at the Sod');
$display .= static_rdf('15');
$display .= COM_endBlock();
$display .= COM_startBlock ('San Diego Sports');
$display .= static_rdf('30');
$display .= COM_endBlock();
$display .='</div><div style="clear:both;"></div>';
return $display;
Text Formatted Code
$display .= COM_showBlock( user_block, $help='', $title='User Functions' );
If you find out the block names you can show all sorts of other blocks (not all blocks work though).