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If you want to get this off the ground, what I would do is write a fairly detailed proposal on the new features you want and how it should work. Submit it to the Feature Request (I believe, it's not up yet do to a server move) and get in contact with Dirk when he gets back next week. Let him know what you are trying to do and get him to post the info on the Bounties page. Once your name gets up their and it becomes an official bounty request I'm sure others will add their names.

I'm not sure how many free lance programmers actually view geeklogs bounty page. You could also advertise the bounty on other programming forums to see if you find other takers. Remember though there are coding guidelines that need to be followed.
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Well, we have the core GL Developers plus many plugin developers that are active in the GL community as well as some very capable GL community members that may not had the extra incentive in the past but will now. Possibly even one of our recent announced Google SOC Students will finish their respective projects and will want to jump in.

There are quite a few candidates in the extended community to take up these projects. We also ask that anyone that does pick up the bounty ensures they will stick around to support it so be cautious of handing the money to some trolling free lancer :speechless:

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Well, I think from looking at the other calendar enhancement page that we are up to something like $520 which includes my $50 donation. I would be happy to up that to $200 if this project can get moving. I can really use the recurring events. That makes $520, $670 with my total contribution. There has to be someone that knows someone that can do this. My only hesitation is committing the money and it not going towards the calendar project. I'm good for the dough once we get moving or before hand if we get a commitment. Thoughts anyone?


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Quote by: pwarnagi

Well, I think from looking at the other calendar enhancement page that we are up to something like $520 which includes my $50 donation. I would be happy to up that to $200 if this project can get moving. I can really use the recurring events. That makes $520, $670 with my total contribution. There has to be someone that knows someone that can do this. My only hesitation is committing the money and it not going towards the calendar project. I'm good for the dough once we get moving or before hand if we get a commitment. Thoughts anyone?


$600 was my minimum. I'll have to look at my schedule and see if I can do it soon. I'll post in the other thread sometime over the weekend once I confer with my wife. (She, of course, can schedule things without putting them in my calendar and I let her get away with it.)

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In that case I mean I will donate another $80 to make the total $600. hehe...j/k I'll gladly pitch in the few bones I committed to. My whole group is screaming for this calendar.

:twocents: :doh:

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There are quite a few candidates in the extended community to take up these projects. We also ask that anyone that does pick up the bounty ensures they will stick around to support it so be cautious of handing the money to some trolling free lancer Leaves me speechless


Make sure you follow Blaine's warning. I might not contribute to the project if you give it to someone who has never created a usable plugin and provide reasonable support. This is a very complex plugin and I don't think it is for someone who doesn't have the time to stick with it.



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This may be something I may need in the near future si I would be willing to contribute a few dollors towards it too, but like samstone only if its giving to the right person.

* Recurring events.
* Email reminders for events.
* Subscribe to events.

Considering in Blaine's Event Mgr plugin the second 2 are already available, I know he's busy but wouldn't he be the best man for the job?


Hmmm. I had thought no one was interested and so had pretty much given up on this. I am now trying to better integrate this calendar into geeklog. It does everything I need and then some.

What do you folks think (pros and cons) about setting up the bounty to direct the same $$$ to this integration effort? I would like to see better ability to customize the calendar theme. I am also thinking it best to make this a true plugin, where the tables integrate into the GL database.


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Bounties are a new idea for geeklog and a Bounty of this size will take a while to get off the ground.

I think it would be a better idea to stick with the current calendar plugin and modify it, not to branch to a whole new plugin. IMO, we also need to make sure that this new version will be recognized by the Geeklog dev team and incorporated into the next install of geeklog. That way any future development or changes needed will hopefully get done.

We have seen a few geeklog projects that integrate other applications (phplinks comes to mind) that break when either geeklog gets updated or the application gets updating. When the developer who created the integration is not around no one seems to pick it up. Also installs tend to be a little more complex for newbies.

jmucchiello is very active in the geeklog community and I think he is an excellent choice to do the suggested mods for the calendar plugin.
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Quote by: Laugh

jmucchiello is very active in the geeklog community and I think he is an excellent choice to do the suggested mods for the calendar plugin.

Thanks for that. I got the go ahead from my wife now I just need to finish a few odds and ends (like I finally updated the autotags plugin earlier this week) and I'll start tackling this. I plan to start with the recurring events as that requires the least amount of outside work. Subscriptions and email reminders will follow a beta release of recurring events. I'll post a timeline once I actually start work on this and have a decent feel for how often I'll be able to work on it. If I can't get it done by the end of the year, I'll bow out.

Oh, and be assured when I am finished with these mods, I'll still be around afterward to support them. Heck, at that point I might ask to take possession of the calendar plugin from the core team since I suspect there won't be any part of the plugin I won't have modified at that point.

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- Marco - "Surf The Innernet!"

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I want to make sure I understand this though - where exactly do I make "the pledge"??? I just make a forum post? That doesn't seem right...

- Marco - "Surf The Innernet!"

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Mention your pledge here -

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Thanks, done my friend! - "Surf The Innernet!"

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I don't really understand how Bounties work. Maybe it's time for Dirk to help us to move this item one step up to be listed on the Open Bounties.

Helloooo Dirk!


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