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Quote by: Benta

Seems like this might actually be your problem. It is an easy one to fix.

My experience with joining most private "clubs" is if there isn't a publicly specified manner on how to become a "member", then becoming a member is usually by invitation only. It could easily be seen as rude to ask to become a member. Perhaps I should have asked "how do you become a core dev" earlier. But that returns to those feelings of being an outsider.

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Well, I don't know about you, but if I'm ever invited to what I call "the inner circle", then I'll just tell them sorry, I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members.

Just kidding (coudn't resist using this Marx quote and also hopefully cheer things up)... :wink:

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can we concentrate on the topic? i read from top and on till i stop reading, it's becoming a wish list thread to me more than what has NexPro got to do with Geeklog and i did not miss the part of 2000 forms and 20k workflow tasks and all but i agree with "laugh", it's a sold out feeling to me too. No one has to know Dirk or Blaine. It's geeklog that put people here and i believe most serious guys here would have tried alternatives like the aforementioned joomla, wordpress, etc etc, i sticked to geeklog for it's emphasis on security but other smaller sites, i run them off wordpress which does not need so much work on me like photo blog etc.

So wish list - please post new threads.

Developers questions - post new threads too.

I do not agree with the association of a commercial entity on Geeklog, let alone the main page. The suggestion of having a commercial link, fair enough, ok with that but mixing developing portal parts to slapping the company you work for on the main page is just over the line bnut that's just me.

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I do not agree with the association of a commercial entity on Geeklog, let alone the main page. The suggestion of having a commercial link, fair enough, ok with that but mixing developing portal parts to slapping the company you work for on the main page is just over the line bnut that's just me.

Personally, I think the Geeklog site should be about all things Geeklog, commercial or not. I feel we should support all entities that support our continued growth, regardless of whether or not they are commercial. The Open Sourceness of linux was not hurt by it's huge commercial success, so there is no reason this will affect the Open Sourceness of Geeklog.

Whether or not it should appear on the front page, in my opinion, is up to the site moderators. The aforementioned Joomla does not look like it has any commercial information on the main page, but there is plenty of commercial information in a lot more than just their links section.

So go Geeklog and go Commercial Geeklog support!!! :chestslam:

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Quote by: lancelotdulac

Personally, I think the Geeklog site should be about all things Geeklog, commercial or not.

Heck yeah! I agree 100%. Articles like the one in question display Geeklog's flexibility, extensibility, adaptability, reliability, versatility, viability, and a whole bunch of other bilities I can't think of just now -- In a word, its potential.

besides that, I wonder what makes anyone think they have the right to question what ought or ought not be discussed in a featured article on a site that is not their own. I know I know... opensource community blah blah blah... If, for example, I was the admin of this site and thought to myself that putting up a featured article on the benefits of Joomla was a good idea, it's really nobody's business but mine whether it is or not. If my site or product suffers or benefits from such a decision, it's still nobody's business but mine.
Where would you draw the line between what is acceptable content in a featured story on this site and what isn't? oh, wait.. it's not up to you.

...and so what if money is mentioned? sell out? what does that mean? gimme a break. open source doesn't mean free. it means open source.


Except one problem. However, it can be easily solved by finally making my patch official: A public dummy site mail and a protected real site mail[/p]

This is, as I thought I told you already, in CVS since weeks. It therefore will be public with the next release.


Here is my opinion to what has been stateed here:

GL Mythbusters, Episode 1


Quote by: jmucchiello
[Oliver wrote]In reply to Joe Mucchiello on Aug 12, 2007
> See, now this is odd. Having documented plans make Geeklog look better
> to people seeing it for the first time. People like to know where the
> software will be tomorrow. Geeklog is not a commercial entity but you
> sell to folks. Anything that provides them peace of mind should be
> front and center on the Geeklog homepage. People outside the inner
> circle need to be able to plan for their own usage of Geeklog. Having
> plans makes our lives easier. I'm a user and I'd like to know where
> Geeklog is going. Are you saying it isn't worth your time to keep
> people in the know?

well as I said, if you have more things to do than you have time to, you
have to set priorities. and between fixing bugs and writing code for the
next version that is already decided to be implemented, no-one had done
so far the concentrated effort of creating such a roadmap. I fully agree
with you that it would be better to have one. We just do not because of
time and coordination reasons. we have a larger backlog of issues than
plan for the future currently.
This is me asking specifically what is everybody working on. I got no response. [/p]

Wrong. This was not you asking "What are you working on right now?"
This was you saying "Why dont you write down and update regularly what you are programming on?"

Thats a huge difference - for me, who is supposed to answer.
The one means I tell you the current 1 project, the other is I have to deliver a weekly report.


Quote by: jmucchiello

I didn't know where the changlog (called history) file was until this thread.

Well I cannot remember you asking for that one...

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This is, as I thought I told you already, in CVS since weeks. It therefore will be public with the next release.

I don't recall you ever saying that, but hooray! Thanks! Big Grin

Do you know about any of my other patches? :wink:


Quote by: LWC

This is, as I thought I told you already, in CVS since weeks. It therefore will be public with the next release.

I don't recall you ever saying that, but hooray! Thanks! Big Grin

Do you know about any of my other patches? :wink:

I do not remeber all of them, maybe if you name them I can give you a definite "no" :-)

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I have worked on many projects with Geeklog, when I first started I felt I was welcomed to the community right away. People were helpful friendly and full of suggestions.

I think just the fact that Geeklog is being used in successful commercial ventures is great evidence of it's power and flexibility. Why not promote this powerful evidence?

Personally I want to thank Blaine and his company for giving Geeklog much needed credibility (there is another bility for you). Now I do see the issues people are having with this article being the "featured article", but I also believe that if I wrote an important article that the site modirators wouldn't think twice about dropping this Nexpro article down a spot. My solution to the community members who are complaining is simple: come up with some Geeklog news that is bigger then the Nexpro story.
Yes I am mental.

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There is a long way from "featured article" to a reliable partner. I've seen quite a many companies with "very smart" business model, but nexPRO looks very smart. Why I'm talking about this in this thread? I sent an inquiry last week to nexPro with just couple of simple questions and I haven't get any answer. I was ready to pay couple of hundred euros to get something new (nexpro as seen in their site and even more if first stage would be succesful. Just big words in Canada...

Why this kind of "company" is "featured" by Geeklog administrators?

If they don't have enough people to answer quotations, then no "featured ads".

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Hum ... we have not seen your request as we would have followed up immediately. I am very visible in the community online so it should have been easy to reach me. We have replied to all the posts for information on our Nextide site forums but I very much want to know how you tried to contact us as there may be an issue we are not aware of. This is a new site and there could be an issue that we have not seen.

I have sent you an email via your profile as well.
Geeklog components by PortalParts --

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move to other CMS if you're not happy. I did.


Well this is disappointing !

Some standard responses have been
"things are in development" or "move on to what you like" etc etc

GL has been
- most slow on development, version 2 announced so long ago and still not in sight
- boasting of tight security proved false again and again
- "content" canNOT be "managed" - admin cannot change name of author, users cannot submit image with a story directly, users cannot edit comments to a story
- web is changing : there is no per user "blog", there is no ability where users can have their own groups or communitites, see
- the community performance is poor, whatever may be the reason, see drupal forums for example

There may be A LOT of users still using GL for the have to and there may be some developers/ soc students, and some new users adopting drupal BUT really its dead compared to
Drupal, Joomla, or e107. GL failed in packt and numbers of soc students are miserably low.

In this background there was really no need of such story infront page !


Quote by: Vim

Well this is disappointing !
GL has been
- most slow on development, version 2 announced so long ago and still not in sight

The development of GL 1 and 2 are two different issues that you cannot throw into one sentence. You proabably do not know that GL2 is redevelopped from scratch and will not even replace GL1 as it is. To say that GL as a whole is slow because GL2 takes a long time is the same as stating that the development CPUs is slow because quantum computing research does not produce any commercial products. There was never a concrete release day for GL2 announced. GL1 development was always up to speed, and the release cycles not slower than any other CMS. Rather many users complain that the cycles are too short.

Quote by: Vim

- boasting of tight security proved false again and again

You seem to live in a world that is far away from the reality of software security. Software security is - and cannot - be about delivering a system that is perfect and will never be compromised but much more about the frequency and severity of problems and the speed of update releases. I am quite sure that nobody can complain about that with GL. All fixes have been delivered within 24hrs or less. If you say GL is insecure because sites that have not been updated since the last 3 version releases got hijacked, you seem to contradict your own statement that updates are slow.

Quote by: Vim

- "content" canNOT be "managed" - admin cannot change name of author, users cannot submit image with a story directly, users cannot edit comments to a story

You can surely NOT go to any other software package and pinpoint things that GL can and they cannot and then say that they are not worthy beeing called a CMS? You are also forgetting that plugins have extended the mentioned issues in the past already, others are not possible with other packages either.

Quote by: Vim

- web is changing : there is no per user "blog", there is no ability where users can have their own groups or communitites, see

I would never compare two systems that have completely different scopes in their target audience and functionality requirements and therfore calling one "bad". You are saying pick-up trucks are bad because they lack the toilet of a campervan.

Quote by: Vim

- the community performance is poor, whatever may be the reason, see drupal forums for example
[...] BUT really its dead compared to Drupal, Joomla, or e107. GL failed in packt and numbers of soc students are miserably low.

In general I do not see why one product is bad because another has a lot more users. Thats the same as saying windows is better than linux.

Quote by: Vim

There may be A LOT of users still using GL for the have to and there may be some developers/ soc students, and some new users adopting drupal

You are saying that that there are no users switching away from drupal?

Quote by: Vim

In this background there was really no need of such story infront page !

Please explain the link between the prior statements and this one, I fail to see it. If what you say was relevant and true, there would have been even more reason to report about a larger base for GL usage/support. Only if you own the market already at a large base (something like windows) and do so for good reasons (not like windows) you do not have to report about the fact that others think the software is good. That is why MS is reporting if some Government or NGO is switching to Windows. That is why Linux Distros are doing the same. Neither of them has the whole market for a good reason OR the good reason and the whole market.

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The posting has gotten off topic. Going back to the topic, I am encouraged to see the posting of nexPro. Being busy, I wouldn't have noticed it if it was not posted as the feature article.

From the beginning, Geeklog was not developed to compete with other CMS's. To my understanding, it started out as a product of someone's hobby, and a bunch of professionals joined in later to improve it for their professional use. It has become the most versatile free open source engine for professional dynamic website development.

So to me, nexPro is an expected outcome. I wish success to Blaine. He is a great programmer, though he can use some assistance in improving his customer service and support.

I develop websites for religious and non-profit organizations, including sites for organizations fighting for human rights and democracy in totalitarian nations. Without GL, they wouldn't be able to afford the features they need for their websites.

I can see that nexPro can make my job even easier, and it will make it more affordable for the non-profits to build high-end websites.



Quote by: Vim

Well this is disappointing !

Some standard responses have been
"things are in development" or "move on to what you like" etc etc

GL has been
- most slow on development, version 2 announced so long ago and still not in sight
- boasting of tight security proved false again and again
- "content" canNOT be "managed" - admin cannot change name of author, users cannot submit image with a story directly, users cannot edit comments to a story
- web is changing : there is no per user "blog", there is no ability where users can have their own groups or communitites, see
- the community performance is poor, whatever may be the reason, see drupal forums for example

There may be A LOT of users still using GL for the have to and there may be some developers/ soc students, and some new users adopting drupal BUT really its dead compared to
Drupal, Joomla, or e107. GL failed in packt and numbers of soc students are miserably low.

In this background there was really no need of such story infront page !

move on. It'll be more admins or more moderators coming in and saying everything and anything and even point for point attacks and counter attacks, it'll be endless. Don't waste your time, spend your time trying other CMS that do not tie themselves so tightly with commercial entities.

Blacklisted by GL for the above post

That GL2 is developed from scratch is known to me. But after
years and years it has remained "scratch" Smile
Infact Tony has said there is very little chance of it happening.

>> Software security : why I say the "boasting" went flat will be
nicely evident if you have followed this site. Do you need quotes
from statements made by this sites developers/maintainers? I can
give you the uri.

Regarding rest of your points : THEY'RE full of sick or dead analogies.
Take for example any web email system : it needs to have at least
inbox, compose+attachment etc i.e. the basic features.

GL as a CMS does not allow the most basic things i.e. allowing
an user to submit image with story, or edit her/his comments to
a story.
Windows and linux are two separate platforms. Drupal and GL is not.
If you are not too stubborn look at drupal org, download it
run it - I guess you will
not like to shift but there is no harm in getting inspired !

>>It has become the most versatile free open source engine
>>for professional dynamic website development.
How, sir ??

Come back to this thread after 5 years and see
whether your opinions remain same :-)

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. There are others like me who beleive
that the story in question do NOT deserve place in the first page.

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