1. Can we have the links in the "Topics" box styled like the black links up top? I mean, like I've done at http://www.retroreviews.net/, only less sucky.
Now, a totally unsexy roadmap I heartily endorse. But apparently the devs have decided that time to spend on Geeklog should be time spent coding and not time making pretty "about Geeklog" websites. Certainly understandable since the devs enjoy the coding far more than the PR work. And when you think about it, if you made core dev work a chore, who would do it?
What we want, what we really need, is a designer (well, we've got Geiss, and I've been working on a coupla themes too...), a copy writer who can excite people, and some ways to get the word out.
And none of that is possible without the devs to tell the copywriter what to write. Which if they could do that they could put up some kind of page.
I certainly hope that you guys aren't pluggin for the job of pr guy, cuz really, c'mon, all this complaining about what you aren't getting or how unsatisfying this or that is and how the devs suck so much.
I certainly hope that you guys aren't pluggin for the job of pr guy, cuz really, c'mon, all this complaining about what you aren't getting or how unsatisfying this or that is and how the devs suck so much.. Clearly you all want the site to look great and be inviting and all that stuff that you mentioned, but you might as well be defacing the site what with all your complaining about this or that not happening the way you all think it should, etc. Talk about showmanship? don't.
The last couple weeks have been so depressing I haven't wanted to even visit geeklog.net. But of course I did for some morbid urge to see who or what was going to get cut down next.
Beyond any of that, I do agree that a pr guy would be cool. and a copywriter that has ever done any shouldn't really need to be told what to write. They should be competent enough to figure it out. Like all of us who already click a few times before we find the info we're looking for, and we do find it eventually (don't say you don't), the info is there for the dude to do whatever he does with it, wrap it in a colorful bow or whatever...
I've watched this thread with interest. The feeling I've walked away with
is that there seems to be a big desire to not include anything done outside
the core group.
even all this talk about a new default theme.. fine. it may be a good idea and exciting and all that, but when it looks like the new theme might not make it into 1.5, if even at all, then let's get down on the devs some more cuz surely they must suck.
Don't get me wrong, as I go in yet another direction, the theme in question looks great if even still "looking" like the present theme, and the new functionality that geiss has introduced into it is awesome--I'm impressed, btw--but because it remains so similar to the look and feel of the present theme I have to ask, what's the big deal? Why is my inbox full with questions like, "why haven't you given me an answer yet?" whether the question is about the default theme or some code that should be in the core or why nobody has asked you or you or some other you to be on the core team yet when you've done such awesome work for the community?
glad I'm not a core dev cuz you'd all be bching at me. I couldn't put up with the complaints. of course I can hardly put up with constructive criticism nevermind bching.
my 2 cents? if you want better pr, do better pr. Write some stuff up. Heck, geiss, have someone take all the current content from gl and put it up into your new theme, rearranged and rewritten or whatever, then show the core devs what "it" could be.
So I guess all that counts as a complaint too then, eh? whoops.
how does duplicating content on another GL site help the main project?
Hi all,
I've started working on a new theme, and would like your feedback. Please take a look at http://geiss.getmyip.com/gl141 and give me your thoughts. At the moment, it is based on GL v1.4.1, but potentially, this could be a candidate for a replacement to the professional theme in the next release of Geeklog (if the core devs give their blessing :wink: )
Eric 'Geiss' Warren
To give everyone an update, I'm currently running this theme off of Geeklog v1.5 CVS, and there have been some exciting developments:
1- The theme is now tableless, and uses divs for rendering the main layout. This is possible due to Oliver's hard work on 1.5, and it is much appreciated.
2- If you have been following the geeklog-devel mail archives, you'll see that a couple of the core devs have given their vote to include this theme in the 1.5 release. Yay! :chestslam:
So now the hard work really begins! What can you do to help? I'm glad you asked! Visit http://geiss.getmyip.com/gl15/ (note the difference now from the previous /gl141/ url) and poke around. I am hosting it from my home pc at the moment, so no guarantees on up-time. Any and all feedback is welcome.
Please note that differences in GL 1.5 and 1.4.1 dictate that the 1.4.1 version use a table to achieve the main layout. I didn't want to mislead anyone on that. I am still considering releasing the theme as a 1.4.1 version, since a beta of GL1.5 is still a little bit out (read the geeklog-devel mail archives for the latest info on that front). My thought was to polish up the 1.4.1 version a bit, and then get it out the door in a week or so.
So please continue to sound off with your ideas! Let's make this thing really shine!
i"m have a geeklog 1.4.1
where i give 1.5 or greater?
i"m have a geeklog 1.4.1
where i give 1.5 or greater?
This thread was started before the Themes forum was created (I think). It would probably be best to move it to that forum. If a Moderator could do that, it'd be great. Feel free to delete this post when complete.
Help me to establish g2image please
Help me to establish g2image please