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gl 1.5 includes changes to the admin list handling so yeah, you'll miss out on some stuff there. I plan to accommodate those changes once gl 1.5 is released--I certainly won't have time before that. I'll probably just not make use of anything provided by gl on that page and let evList build the admin page...


Hi mach:

I'm getting the error below when anonymous users submit an event to the submissions queue. The event makes it to the queue apparently, but not before crashing the site with a SQL error. The logs say this:

12/12/07 17:55:54 - 1136: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1. SQL in question: INSERT IGNORE INTO gl_evlist_lookup VALUES ( '20071212175554735','2' )

Might you know what is going on?


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yes, i do actually. Good find.
the lookup table contains 3 columns and the query that is causing your error is submitting only two.

find the following in event.php about line 1582:
Text Formatted Code
            foreach ($A['category'] AS $key => $cat_id) {
                $cat_id = COM_applyFilter($cat_id);
                if (!empty($cat_id)) {
                    if (!is_numeric($cat_id) && $_USER['uid'] > 1) {
                        //anon user cannot add new categories,
                        //but logged in members may and for now they are not moderated.
                        //insert new category
                        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['evlist_categories']} SET name = '$cat_id', status = '0'");
                        //$newcid = DB_insertID();
                        $newcid = DB_getItem($_TABLES['evlist_categories'], 'id', "name='$cat_id'");
                        if (!empty($newcid)) {
                            $cat_values .= "('{$A['eid']}','$newcid')";
                            if ($i < $cat_count) {
                                $cat_values .= ',';
                    } else {
                        $cat_values .= "('{$A['eid']}','$cat_id')";
                        if ($i < $cat_count) {
                            $cat_values .= ',';
and change it to look like this:
Text Formatted Code
            foreach ($A['category'] AS $key => $cat_id) {
                $cat_id = COM_applyFilter($cat_id);
                $cat_status = '1';
                if (!empty($cat_id)) {
                    if (!is_numeric($cat_id) && $_USER['uid'] > 1) {
                        //anon user cannot add new categories,
                        //but logged in members may and for now they are not moderated.
                        //insert new category
                        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['evlist_categories']} SET name = '$cat_id', status = '0'");
                        //$newcid = DB_insertID();
                        $newcid = DB_getItem($_TABLES['evlist_categories'], 'id', "name='$cat_id'");
                        if (!empty($newcid)) {
                            $cat_values .= "('{$A['eid']}','$newcid','$cat_status')";
                            if ($i < $cat_count) {
                                $cat_values .= ',';
                    } else {
                        $cat_values .= "('{$A['eid']}','$cat_id','$cat_status')";
                        if ($i < $cat_count) {
                            $cat_values .= ',';
note there are three changes to make.

that should do it. sorry for the hassle


No hassle at all.

Still get this error:

Thu 13 Dec 2007 12:13:08 EST - 1136: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1. SQL in question: INSERT IGNORE INTO gl_evlist_lookup VALUES ( '20071213121308266','2' )

I suppose I should look through the code and think. Up till now, I have just been mindlessly cutting and pasting because I want to quickly iron out any issues that may exist. Here is the entire "if statement" as I think you intended:

Text Formatted Code
        if ($cat_count >= 1) {
            $i = 1;
            $cat_values = '';
            foreach ($A['category'] AS $key => $cat_id) {
                $cat_id = COM_applyFilter($cat_id);
                if (!empty($cat_id)) {
                    if (!is_numeric($cat_id) && $_USER['uid'] > 1) {
                        //anon user cannot add new categories,
                        //but logged in members may and for now they are not moderated.
                        $cat_status = '1';
                        //insert new category
                        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['evlist_categories']} SET name = '$cat_id', status = '0'");
                        //$newcid = DB_insertID();
                        $newcid = DB_getItem($_TABLES['evlist_categories'], 'id', "name='$cat_id'");
                        if (!empty($newcid)) {
                            $cat_values .= "('{$A['eid']}','$newcid','$cat_status')";
                            if ($i < $cat_count) {
                                $cat_values .= ',';
                    } else {
                        $cat_values .= "('{$A['eid']}','$cat_id')";
                        if ($i < $cat_count) {
                            $cat_values .= ',';
            //save category info
            if (!empty($cat_values)) {
                //inserting categories for a new event
                DB_query("INSERT IGNORE INTO {$_TABLES['evlist_lookup']} VALUES " . $cat_values);
        if (isset ($_CONF['notification']) && (in_array ('evlist', $_CONF['notification'])
            || in_array('evList', $_CONF['notification']) || in_array('event', $_CONF['notification']))) {
            evlist_sendNotification ($A);
        $retval .= COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/evlist/index.php?msg=9');



Did you edit the post????


Hold off for a sec. I will try again.





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yes, i did edit the post. i tried to do it quickly.
guess it wasn't quick enough. :wink:

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This is the weirdest thing ever:

I just installed the plugin - couldn't wait to try it. It installed - no problems.

I try to add an event here is the error:

Text Formatted Code

Mon 31 Dec 2007 15:51:31 PST - 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'LIKE gl_evlist_events)' at line 2. SQL in question: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE evlist_temp_events^M
                (LIKE gl_evlist_events)
Mon 31 Dec 2007 18:18:45 PST - 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '' at line 1. SQL in question: SELECT anonview FROM
Mon 31 Dec 2007 18:38:10 PST - 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'SELECT date_format FROM gl_evlist_settings)' at line 1. SQL in question: SELECT format FROM gl_evlist_dateformat WHERE id = (SELECT date_format FROM gl_evlist_settings)
Mon 31 Dec 2007 18:38:13 PST - Error, invalid username: 'Ambrose'

Who is Ambrose? Certainly no username we use THAT IS FOR SURE.

Thanks in advance,

- Marco - "Surf The Innernet!"

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After the initial error, the rest doesn't really make a difference.
The "ambrose" username is what somebody used while trying to log into your site and they were rejected and logged. Notice the time of the entry. No biggy there.

The initial error, the evList error, has something to do with that "^M" -- I have no idea what that is. Maybe a line break or something... It's not in my code.

Ensure that your database user has "create temporary table" permission and maybe that'll fix it--doubtful.

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I guess you could try to get rid of the parenthesis surrounding the LIKE statement. You can find that query in near the end of the evlist_makeRecurrences function. In my file it's about line 1496.

If that's the problem tho, you're going to encounter it again. If it is the problem, then perhaps it's a MySQL version issue.

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We are using version 3.23.58 with certain RedHat enhancements... I realize it is an old version but it is maintained and secured still by Redhat. You think there is a syntax problem and I agree with you because obviously other people aren't experiencing this problem. I may upgrade mysql via source - who knows - but I'm disappointed we can't use this plugin without upgrading since I doubt there is anything that it does that requires features from a newer version of MySQL... The user does have "create" privileges so that isn't the problem.

Thank you for creating this plugin - if I upgrade MySQL I'll report if that was the problem (almost certainly - although your plugin is the first to require an upgrade).


- Marco - "Surf The Innernet!"

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um, yeah. it does do things (syntax wise) that you cant do in 3.23. Your issue is an example of that... in fact, i think i mentioned earlier that 4.1something is minimum.. can't remember now tho. I have no intention of writing for 3.23 anymore. I've installed 5.x and if it works on that, then I'm happy.

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Understood. Like I said, I realize I'm using an old version and you always take a chance of something not working when you haven't upgraded. Maybe you've done me a favor and forced me to finally get around to doing just that- upgrade.

Hopefully I won't run into massive dependency problems. :-)

- Marco - "Surf The Innernet!"

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Well, I took the fast route, bro - and I simply imported our database into an upgraded mysql server on one of our other machines - and now your plugin works flawlessly. Turns out that having the database on a second machine has also sped up our page rendering time by almost half! I wouldn't have thought a 50% speed increase in page rendering would have happened - but I'm not complaining :-)


- Marco - "Surf The Innernet!"

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Where can I make a donation on behalf of our organization?

- Marco - "Surf The Innernet!"

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I dunno about "our" organization, but there's a paypal button on this page 8)

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Thanks man - I just made a donation.

- Marco - "Surf The Innernet!"

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