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I have issues with Geeklog development but this is over the top:
Quote by: Vim

GL has been
- most slow on development, version 2 announced so long ago and still not in sight

Geeklog 2 should just be renamed. It is its own project and is only related to Geeklog by developer crossover.
I've address the low visibility issue before.
- boasting of tight security proved false again and again
This is so off-base I don't know where to start.
- "content" canNOT be "managed" - admin cannot change name of author, users cannot submit image with a story directly, users cannot edit comments to a story
- web is changing : there is no per user "blog", there is no ability where users can have their own groups or communitites, see
These are semi-legitimate gripes but I think the real problem here is philosophical. Geeklog is admin oriented. It is designed for the web admin to get a website up and running for his users in an orderly fashion. Other CMS and social networking software is user oriented. The point of the software is to enable users to be creative and have fun. The needs of the community outweigh the convenience of the admin. This is my problem with Geeklog. I want it to be capable of both: Admin's have ease of use and users can feel they are part of social network. And therein also is some of the problems I run into with the core devs. Stuff I say should be added to core sometimes reduces admin superiority for user comfort. (Not that anyone would ever use that terminology in such a discussion.)
- the community performance is poor, whatever may be the reason, see drupal forums for example
These boards seem quite lively. Questions are answered in a timely manner. What more do you need?

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Just wanted to point out that

"Blacklisted by GL for the above post"

is, of course, utter nonsense. Nobody's being blocked here, trollish as they may be ...

bye, Dirk


@ Dirk
I got this message when I came to make my second post Smile

Error 403

We're sorry, but we could not fulfill your request for /forum/createtopic.php on this server.

Your Internet Protocol address is listed on a blacklist of addresses involved in malicious or

illegal activity. See the listing below for more details on specific blacklists and removal


Your technical support key is: d2d6-8368-1366-73cd

You can use this key to fix this problem yourself.

If you are unable to fix the problem yourself, please contact noreply at and

be sure to provide the technical support key shown above.


> Geeklog 2 should just be renamed.
Then just rename, instead of wasting time from 2005 :wink:

> so off-base
Confused: Tell me if you need the base-uri

> real problem here is philosophical. Geeklog is admin oriented

philosophical or logical, whatever, the real probelm is there .
Any CMS is user oriented too as it is the users who use them Smile
:rtfm: No where GL mentions it its orientation is for admins

> Questions are answered

But NOT solved

Must we all at GL play ostrich and really, really NOT take a hard look at other cms at least
those who got chosen at the packtpub Either we completely overhaul within a deadline in mind or we are dead !

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That code is generated from the spam protection routines on the site,


:rtfm: I was not spamming Smile

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
That was just Bad Behavior. It seems the "fix it yourself" link doesn't work at the moment so I can't tell you off-hand what it didn't like. If you tell me the IP address you were using at the time, I can look it up.

bye, Dirk


We have dynamic IP and I do not know what IP was at that time.
It will be nice indeed if Bad Behavior behaves nicely or
at least "fix it yourself" link doesn't fail to work at important times Smile

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