Got the suggestions. Thanks, but...
Quote by machinari:
*Increase the max_execution_time using ini_set() if you have safe mode off
*or reduce the number of images that are being processed.
to reduce the number of images that are being processed per run, do this:
find the function inm_generateStatic() in admin/index.php.
then find the following lines near the end of the function (line 882ish):
Text Formatted Code
if ($t >= 300){
break 2;
if ($i >= 200){
break 2;
change the 300 to 99 (33 images made into 99 thumbs) and change the 200 to 100 (100 scaled images) depending on which is giving you the trouble. mess around with the numbers.
Well, I gave this a shot... I took the settings down incrementally till I got to 3 and 2. No joy.
Quote by machinari:
hmm.. you could probably put set_time_limit(n)
I tried this, but I didn't know exactly what I was doing... well, actually I hadn't a clue. I tossed this right under the "global" line where it is pulling in variables (i'm guessing). I did know enough to change the "n" to a value; I chose 60 for the fun of it. Have I mentioned I know no programming and little about web design.
Anyway, no good there either. It still takes 30 seconds and then ends out.
Update on the machine on which this is running. It's not quite as bad as I thought. PIII 733 256MB PC133 memory. Running Ubuntu Linux, no X.
When I click on the generate buttons, the processor utilization jumps to >90%, but I never use up all my memory.
Any other suggestions? I'll let the process run all night if I have to... I just want to get this to generate the thumbs. Let me know if I can post anything else. It's a vanilla install on a clean Linux install too...
Yes, I know they will still need to populate on the page, but it'll be a heck of a lot faster than what I'm seeing now, I'm sure.