
I've been working on my site, and got everything going well.

My only problem is getting the DB Backup to work. When I try to do a DB Backup, all i get is an empty screen (complete with top and left side wrap-arounds.)

Thanks in advance for your help.

My site resides here.

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Hmm, that's strange. If something goes wrong, it should at least display an error messages and present a list of the old backups (or say that there aren't any). Did you check Geeklog's error.log file for any messages referring to backup? Can you call up mysqldump manually (if you have telnet/ssh access to your server)? bye, Dirk


this is the only error i get: -------------- 01/01/2003 11:59:31 AM - SELECT * FROM mnu_index WHERE ((perm_anon >= 3) OR (perm_members >= 2) OR ((group_id = 2) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 4) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 7) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 11) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 5) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 13) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 12) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 16) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 10) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 8) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 1) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 14) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 3) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 6) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((group_id = 9) AND (perm_group >= 2)) OR ((owner_id = 2) AND (perm_owner >= 2))) AND (lang = '') ORDER BY m_pos ASC 01/01/2003 11:59:31 AM - nrows = 4 <> language = ------------------- is seems that this error comes up whenever i even just load the front page. very peculiar.

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
That error seems to be caused by some addon that you installed on your site (Menu plugin?) and shouldn't have anything to do with your original problem. bye, Dirk


hmm, you you were right. I'm stuck then. I'm running Windows 2000. I've verified all the paths in the config files. This used to work before I upgraded from 1.3.6 to 1.3.7.

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
The code for the database backup hasn't changed in 1.3.7 ... Did you try doing a backup by calling mysqldump from the command line or can you not do that where you're hosted? bye, Dirk


like i said, I'm hosting my own site... running win2000 pro - apache. I tried using phpmyadmin to do a dump. i'm not sure if it uses the mysqldump.exe binary to do that. but i've managed to do that successfully. if you'd like root access to the site to do some debugging, you're welcome to do so. just let me know


never mind to this... it turns out, that the new version of php doesn't like it.