Hi there!
I'm trying to localize geeklog1.3.7sr1 for Korean.
The problem is regarding a title. I'
ve seen problem regarding chinese title in this 'Help' section, but that dose not help me.
geeklog ver 1.3.7sr1
OS: FreeBSD 4.7
- config.php.
//$_CONF['locale'] = 'ko_KR.EUC';
//$_CONF['locale'] = 'euc_kr';
$_CONF['locale'] = 'ko_KR';
// $_CONF['locale'] = 'ko-KR';
$_CONF['default_charset'] = 'euc-kr';
As you can see above, I've tried possible combination of locales I can think of, however......
Print title in Korean, but content looks like 한글이 되남요
ko_KR, euc_KR, ko_KR.EUC
Print content in Korean, but title looks like
다시 한글 시험
Have I missed something?
Thank you.