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Registered: 03/03/03
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I have running 1.3.6 GL [1.3.7 has one feature which I don't want :-((]. I have used "Timezone hack" but behavior is as follows: server time is for ex. 8.30 pm ["date" commnad] "story editor" shows me time 7.30 pm and after publishing the story I see time 6.30 pm. Timezone for my server is "Europe/Bratislava" which is GMT+1 Any hints? Thanks...

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Registered: 01/12/02
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No help on the timezone hack, sorry. But I would be interested to hear why you don't want to upgrade to 1.3.7. You know that versions older than 1.3.7sr1 have security problems, don't you? bye, Dirk


1.3.7 has one feature which I don't want :-((


What timezone hack are you using?

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Registered: 01/12/02
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What is the feature that you don't want and why? If you don't tell us, we can't do anything about it ... bye, Dirk

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Registered: 03/14/03
Posts: 24
Hi, ive got a little problem with the timezone hack with regards to submitting stories. The hack has worked fine for the timezone im in (GMT), however i also used the hack below to try and solve the problem with submitting stories.......

Quote by Joe: I think I found the issue with changing timezones and the story edit not working properly.

On line 910, I changed the DB_save call a little. Instead of storing $date, I changed it to FROM_UNIXTIME($unixdate).

That seemed to solve the issue with having a different time after a story is stored.

this corrected the time that a post is posted at, BUT the year changes to 1979, anyone got any ideas???

The GL version im using is 1.3.8-1sr4.


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you have no quotes around the FROM_UNIXTIME($unixdate). ?
It should look like :

...'item before',FROM_UNIXTIME($unixdate),'item after',...


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Registered: 03/14/03
Posts: 24
Cheers geKow that has worked fine the time and date are right now, BUT this has caused another problem, now when the story is submitted it doesn't appear in the topic I select. ('show only in topic' is selected), the only way to get it in the topic is to set the date so that it is the day before i.e today is the 16th i have to set it to the 15th to get it in the topic.

Is there a time limit until is shows in the topic?? i don't think there is just wanted to check , because posting stories is normally instant

any fixes for this cheers