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Anyone get this to work. I tried the integration package from squatty and from here, neither seem to work seeing it was made for Gallery 1.3.x. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks

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I\'ve created a new integration package for Geeklog 1.3.8 and Gallery 1.4. This package only works on the stated versions of Geeklog and Gallery. You MUST have both Geeklog and Gallery installed and working BEFORE you attempt to integrate them. I\'ve upload the files here (but I\'m still awaiting the OK). I will also upload them to (but his site is having trouble accepting uploads). So, for now, you can get the files here. John Hughes

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The new Gallery 1.4 version of util.php breaks the random block integration (but NOT the basic Geeklog-Gallery workings). I\'ve updated the files here To fix the problem, open util.php and comment out these lines near 1940: if (!isset($GALLERY_EMBEDDED_INSIDE)) { header(\'Content-Type: text/html; charset=\' . $gallery->charset); } Obviously, Gallery IS embedded and therefore this shouldn\'t be called. BUT the random Gallery block was calling this in a way that caused util.php to think it wasn\'t embedded. I\'ve got no idea why this happened. Commenting out these lines doesn\'t appear to have any effect on the operation of the integration and it fixes the random block.

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Hi, I am using Gallery 1.4 and Geeklog 1.3.8, and the updated integration pack, the one that fixes the problem with the broken random block. But I am getting the following error on my home page.
Gallery needs Reconfiguration Your Gallery configuration was created using the config wizard from an older version of Gallery. It is out of date. Please re-run the configuration wizard!In a shell do this: Unix with shell access % cd /path/to/your/gallery % sh ./ Unix with FTP access ftp> chmod 777 .htaccess ftp> chmod 777 config.php ftp> chmod 755 setup Windows C:> cd pathtoyourgallery C:> configure.bat Then launch the configuration wizard If you experience problems, you should seek help on the Gallery Help Page
I have tried everything I can think of, when I disable the random block, the error goes away, and gallery works just fine. Aaron

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A new release from gplugs of the geeklog/gallery integration. Includes version 1.3.4-pl1 of gallery, designed for geeklog 1.3.8 (but should work with any 1.3.x version of geeklog). This is a different approach to the integration, including a complete, already modified version of gallery. Try it out now!
Geeklog-Gallery Integration package.


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Quote by vinny:This is a different approach to the integration, including a complete, already modified version of gallery.
Btw, has anyone ever thought about submitting the patches for Geeklog integration back to the Gallery developers? I see that Gallery already comes with support for some of the *Nukes. bye, Dirk


Has anyone succesfully got the random photo block to work with the new Geeklog-ready installation of Gallery? I have tried both fixes listed by jhughes above and still get the errors reported in this post.

By the way, I would like to sincerely thank those of you who have worked to integrate Gallery with Geeklog. It is a fantastic application and a huge addition to my Geeklog sites. I would love to get the random photo block working, though......

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Quote by Luke: Has anyone succesfully got the random photo block to work with the new Geeklog-ready installation of Gallery? I have tried both fixes listed by jhughes above and still get the errors reported in this post.

Yup.. there's 2 sections of util.php that I had to comment out for the random photo block to work (found these around the various developer's sites), but it Gallery seems to still work fine.
1: the previously mentioned on about integration, around line 1936:

Text Formatted Code

//      if (! isset($GALLERY_EMBEDDED_INSIDE)) {
//              header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . $gallery->charset);//      }

2: the "reconfigure" section. Only remove/comment this after you actually HAVE reconfigured Gallery (assuming this is an upgrade).. around line 1023 for me:
Text Formatted Code

//      if ($gallery->app->config_version != $gallery->config_version) {
//              include($GALLERY_BASEDIR . "errors/reconfigure.php");
//              exit;
//      }

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I'm also having problems with the random photo block. When the block is enabled, my homepage doesn't render correctly and anything other than the leftblocks and header aren't displayed.

I've tried commenting stuff out but it doesn't help. Any ideas?

UPDATE: Whoops! All fixed. Permissions strike again.

Got root?

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I have Gallery installed and integrated with GL 1.38. Very very nice. I'm very impressed. One question that I have though. For some reason it's not adding the link the Geeklog so that I can't just click on it and take me to the link. Is it suppose to be that way or I did something wrong?

I install the gallery inside the public_html. Does it matter ? Please help.


The Dude