I use this code on my site.
But I made a new site, and for some reason it's not working. I tryed making it by hand.
Copying my lib-custom over from the old site.
And even just pasting it in the lib-custom.
Is there a change in the new code of something that will stop this from working?
How do I get it to work now?
Text Formatted Code
function phpblock_ListUsers()
global $_CONF;
$list = "";
$quer = mysql_query ("SELECT uid, username, photo, grp_id, grp_name, grp_descr FROM gl_groups, gl_group_assignments, gl_users WHERE ug_main_grp_id = grp_id AND gl_users.uid = gl_group_assignments.ug_uid AND grp_id = 38");
while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($quer)){
$list = $list.'<a href="'.$_CONF["site_url"].'/users.php?mode=profile&uid='.$line["uid"].'">'.$line["username"];
if ($line["photo"] != ""){
$list = $list.' </a><img src="'.$_CONF["layout_url"].'/images/smallcamera.gif">';
$list = $list.'<br>';
return $list;