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Registered: 05/27/03
Posts: 612
I purchased a new pda the other day and decided to take a look at my Geeklog site to see what it looked like on the tiny pda screen. Needless to say, it looked awful. So my next task was to try and design a pda Theme. So far so good, the core GL doesn't look too bad, Header looks fine, left side blocks looks pretty good and the featured articles look ok. Here are a few issues that I am running across.

Right Side Blocks
My biggest problem tho is the right side blocks. Where to put them? My first thought was to put them next to the left side blocks. This would have been my prefered location but everytime I tried to get them there I just got the text {right_blocks} and no blocks Since that didn't work I thought I would put them following the left side blocks. However I got the same result.

Seems the designers of Geeklog put the right side block call in the COM_siteFooter(). Although for most theme instances this works great, it doesn't work so good for a pda theme.
Does anyone know how (without changing the gl core) I could call the right side blocks from anyplace I want to put them?

So far I don't think the iframes show up on Static Pages. So that would be a problem if you are using iFrames either for Static Pages or External Pages.

I am still testing and making mofifications, if you would like to see the work in progress go to, select pda on the theme changer then reduce your browser to the size of a pda screen. That will give you a good idea of what it looks like.

I you have any input on these issues let me know.