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Registered: 01/19/04
Posts: 2

I love the GUI for adding images to articles, but I've only just discovered that only users with Story Admin privs can see those features when posting.

Has anyone made modifications to enable regular users to include images in their postings?

I'm aware that I can enable the IMG tag in HTML postings, but this is much more trouble for the user as the image has to be hosted somewhere.

George Bray

It turns out you can nearly achieve this without any HTML mods. Here's how:

Create a new group called Image Poster.

Description: Logged-in users can add stories with images

Security Groups: Check Logged-In Users

Rights: story.edit and story.submit

Now, when logged-in users go to submit a story they are redirected to Admin's story editor with all the groovy image tools.

Unfortunately, the user who has posted a story cannot edit it after it's been submitted. He's given the Access Denied message.

Perhaps more fiddling will help.

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Forum User
Registered: 01/19/04
Posts: 2

Then the only problem is making sure all new users get the "Image Posters" group.


That's done (for new users) via the users.php file - you can assign them to the group then.