I found GeekLog after seeing that it is being used to run
GrokLaw. I like what I see! However, I have one main problem on my test site. Anyone got a fix for this error?
In a new install of GeekLog 1.3.9, new database, nothing old hanging around to interfere...When I enter a username and email address on the registration page then click the "Register Now!" button, I get the following error on the next page:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/html/html/lib-common.php on line 3259
(line 3259, btw, is
COM_errorLog( $retval->toString(), 1 );
in the code
$retval = $mailobj->send( $to, $headers, $message );
if( $retval !== true )
COM_errorLog( $retval->toString(), 1 );
the user is added to the database, but no email is ever sent. I also get the following error in the web server's error_log:
sendmail: fatal: cannot handle command-line recipients with -t
My mailer is Postfix 2.0.16, web server is Apache 1.3.27 with PHP 4.1.2, running on RedHat 7.3.
EDIT: Added PHP version)