Easy. Ed Brill, Senior Marketing Manager at IBM for the Lotus product line posted this on his personal blog in November 2003:
If I may, I think for some of the Lotus-focused bloggers, it's become a bit of a challenge to come up with interesting content on a very regular basis. I heard a suggestion once that it would be interesting to see some of the excellent, but over-tapped, writers in the community band together to form a community blog...a la Kuro5hin. Thoughts?
Took me a while, but I finally got around to selecting Geeklog for the task and doing it. Sent him an e-mail and he was happy to announce it on his blog. Everybody and his brother in the Notes/Domino world reads his blog. Check out the referer stats (bottom, left column).
So, in summary: Get the right person/site to announce your site.
Can I consider myself a marketing genius now? We'll see how it goes when my next Geeklog powered site is launched. I expect that to be in about two weeks. Will announce here.
And yes, I did delete all visitor stats before yesterday. So the page views are for real. Amazing.
You can see the two blog posts leading the referer list
here and