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hyper was officially launched yesterday as a comunity blog for the Lotus Notes / Domino / Workplace community.

Of course it is somewhat controversial to not use Domino for a site like this but the simple truth is: There is no Domino template available that can do what Geeklog (and all the other PHP/MySQL packages) can do. While not technically impossible, nobody has sat down and actually done it.

Due to clever "marketing", the site has approx 50 registered users and over 6.000 page views after 28 hours.

Geeklog rocks!

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Wow, what's your "clever marketing" stretegy? Care to share?


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Registered: 04/08/04
Posts: 47
Easy. Ed Brill, Senior Marketing Manager at IBM for the Lotus product line posted this on his personal blog in November 2003:

If I may, I think for some of the Lotus-focused bloggers, it's become a bit of a challenge to come up with interesting content on a very regular basis. I heard a suggestion once that it would be interesting to see some of the excellent, but over-tapped, writers in the community band together to form a community blog...a la Kuro5hin. Thoughts?

Took me a while, but I finally got around to selecting Geeklog for the task and doing it. Sent him an e-mail and he was happy to announce it on his blog. Everybody and his brother in the Notes/Domino world reads his blog. Check out the referer stats (bottom, left column).

So, in summary: Get the right person/site to announce your site.

Can I consider myself a marketing genius now? We'll see how it goes when my next Geeklog powered site is launched. I expect that to be in about two weeks. Will announce here.

And yes, I did delete all visitor stats before yesterday. So the page views are for real. Amazing.

You can see the two blog posts leading the referer list here and here