Hey everyone! I've been hiding for a while. Work has been keeping me really busy, as has the wife who is out of graduate school for the summer.
Anyway, I come bearing exciting news. Many of you remember the CMS Bridge project that allowed people to bridge their web apps (like phpB

into Geeklog way back when. Well, the project was sadly dropped and allowed to fall into the land of abandoned open source projects.
It was a very ambitious project. Mine is nowhere near as big. Instead, all I wanted to do was integrate phpBB into Geeklog. I wanted it to be a tighter integration than the one through CMS Bridge. I also wanted it to be faster than the CMS Bridge - phpBB - GeekLog integration, as it was a little slow.
Well, I think I am getting pretty close to releasing a preliminary version! Here is the way phpBBBridge currently works:
1) You are expected to have a current installation of GeekLog and a clean install of the latest version of phpBB.
2) The current integration requires the addition of 3 lines to the core GeekLog code. These 3 lines add 3 plugin hooks to the main Geeklog architecture. For now, they are absolutely necessary. If I can convince Dirk that they are useful, he may add them into the core, later.
3) The integration itself is merely a Geeklog plugin. You install it as you would any other plugin.
4) When installed, the plugin migrates all of your current GeekLog users over to the phpBB database. It carries over the usernames, passwords, homepages, registration dates, email addresses, and whether or not to show the user's online status.
5) When users are created and deleted, the phpBB database is automatically updated to keep it in sync with the Geeklog database.
6) When a user logs in, they are automatically logged into phpBB as in a single sign-on solution. I currently do this by calling phpBB authentication code from within GeekLog. When GeekLog 2.0 comes out with Tony's Auth_Enterprise, I may rewrite this part of the code to leverage it.
7) Conversely, when a user logs out, they are also logged out of phpBB.
8> When a user updates their password, e-mail address, or homepage through GeekLog, the corresponding phpBB information is also updated.
9) All root users are considered phpBB administrators.
To Do (probably not for the initial release):
1) Allow GeekLog's search function to search through phpBB posts.
2) Add phpBB stats to the GeekLog stats page.
3) Sync GeekLog groups with phpBB, allowing certain groups to have read/write/moderator access to certain parts of the forum. This will probably take a lot of work and may not be done for a long time.
I ran into one main problem during this integration: both phpBB and GeekLog have a class named "Template". What this means is that I had to hack one line in a phpBB file to make sure that this class is not declared when we are in a GeekLog page. It also means that you currently cannot wrap a phpBB page inside of a GeekLog page. So, no showing the GeekLog site header or left blocks on your phpBB pages. Does anyone have any ideas on how to go about fixing this short of renaming every instance of "Template" in either phpBB or GeekLog? Is there some aspect of PHP scoping of which I am unaware?
Other than that, what do people think? Is there general interest in this integration? The main reason I wrote this is because I run a site in which 90% of the active users are very skilled in vBulletin and Blaine's Forum plugin just wasn't powerful enough for them. I will still run Blaine's plugin on the other 3 GeekLog sites I run, as it more than meets the needs of those users.
Finally, please be sure to play with the integration from a user's perspective! I currently have it installed over at
http://demo.dogcows.net. Thanks! And please feel free to leave me any input in this thread!