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I have a portal block pointing at my Audioscrobbler RSS feed which is

I can see that the feed is being pulled correctly because when I view source on my geeklog page I see this:

<tr><td><!-- <ul> --><li><a href=""></a></li><li><a href=""></a></li><li><a href=""></a></li><li><a href=""></a></li><!-- </ul> -->

Unfortunately, it seems the comments are causing the browser to ignore the HTML links to my recently played songs, so I am just getting four blank bullets when I look in the browser (right hand column

ANy ideas how to fix this?

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From your theme's list.thtml, remove the offending comments and save the portal block again (deleting the content first), so that the block is created again with the new content.

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 10/24/03
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As usual my first diagnosis was wrong. It's not the comments that are the problem. It's that the feed parser is successfully finding the URL to the target, but is not successfully resolving name for the target. Any ideas? the feed does not validate because of an incorrect date element

so I can hardly blame Geeklog -- although some readers (e.g. NewsGator) resolve the feed successfully. Any ideas?

!-- <ul> --><li><a href="">**MISSING TARGET HERE**</a><li><a href="">MISSING TARGET HERE</a><li><a href=""></a><li><a href=""></a><li><a href=""></a><li><a href=""></a><li><a href=""></a><li><a href=""></a><li><a href=""></a><li><a href=""></a><!-- </ul> -->

I'm assuming this is a problem or nonstandardness with the feed.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Quote by wfzimmerman: the feed does not validate because of an incorrect date element

It does seem to validate now, but the actual problem is somewhere else.

Geeklog is looking for a 'title' element in the feed, but this one only offers 'dc:title' elements.

Quick'n'dirty solution: In lib-common.php, find the piece of code that reads
Text Formatted Code
            case 'TITLE':
                $RDFtitle .= $data;
Duplicate it and change the 'TITLE' to 'DC:TITLE' on the duplicate. It should then be able to parse both feed with a 'title' as well as those with a 'dc:title' element.

bye, Dirk