Hi everyone. I just moved to a new host and when I went to install geeklog, I was greeted by a message saying that register_globals needed to be on. Well, I couldn't enable it since I'm on shared hosting, so I installed anyway. The first problem I had was not being able to log in through the admin/moderation link. I found a way around by logging in through users.php. Once I was in I clicked on the stories section to make a new story and it wouldn't load. I tried loading it in a new window and that didn't work either. Then I tried clicking the edit link and it worked. I was able to edit and existing story. But I still wasn't able to make a new one. However, I later found by going to story.php?mode=edit I was able to make a new story. It seems to be the listing of the stories that's causing the problem. I contacted my host asking if they could enable register_globals, but they said they wouldn't for security reasons and gave me this snippet of code.
Text Formatted Code
// Emulate register_globals on
if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
$superglobals = array($_SERVER, $_ENV,
if (isset($_SESSION)) {
array_unshift($superglobals, $_SESSION);
foreach ($superglobals as $superglobal) {
extract($superglobal, EXTR_SKIP);
ini_set('register_globals', true);
I put this in the moderation.php file and I was now able to log in like normal in the admin section instead of using the users.php workaround. But even though I inserted this code into just about every php file I could find related to story.php, I still can't get a story list to come up, but it's a minor thing since I can edit existing ones by clicking the edit link in an existing story and by using the link to make a new one, but it's still something I'd like to fix, since everything else works fine. Any ideas anyone? Thanks in advance!