Here is screenshot of my web directory on my hosting server. I am assuming that this is correct. If not, then I need to know what it is supposed to be. The HTML file there is just my splash screen. Anyways, view screenshot:
Text Formatted Code
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | (1) Database Settings |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$_DB_host = 'localhost'; // host name or IP address of your DB server
$_DB_name = 'mydbname'; // name of your database,
// must exist before running the installer!
$_DB_user = 'mydbusername'; // MySQL user name
$_DB_pass = 'mydbpassword'; // MySQL password
// The table prefix is prepended to each table used by Geeklog to avoid name
// collisions with other tables that may already exist in your database.
$_DB_table_prefix = 'gl_'; // e.g. 'gl_'
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | (2) Paths |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Note for Windows users: It's safe to use the forward slash '/' instead of
// the backslash '' in paths. Make sure each path starts with a drive letter!
// This should point to the directory where your config.php file resides.
$_CONF['path'] = '/'; // should end in a slash
// You only need to change this if you moved or renamed the public_html
// directory. In that case, you should specify the complete path to the
// directory (i.e. without the $_CONF['path']) like this:
// $_CONF['path_html'] = '/path/to/your/public_html/';
$_CONF['path_html'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'geeklog/';
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | (3) Site Settings |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Make sure this is the correct URL to your site, i.e. to where Geeklog's
// index.php file resides (no trailing slash).
$_CONF['site_url'] = '';
// Some hosting services have a preconfigured admin directory. In that case,
// you need to rename Geeklog's admin directory to something like "myadmin"
// and change the following URL as well. Leave as is until you experience any
// problems accessing Geeklog's admin menu.
$_CONF['site_admin_url'] = $_CONF['site_url'] . 'geeklog/admin';
// This is the return address for all email sent by Geeklog:
$_CONF['site_mail'] = '';
// Name and slogan of your site
$_CONF['site_name'] = 'Digital Direct Satellite';
$_CONF['site_slogan'] = 'Your # 1 Satellite Information Site';
// ****************************************************************************
// * If you set up Geeklog for the first time, you shouldn't need to change *
// * anything below this line. Come back here once the site is up and running.*
// ****************************************************************************
// Note: See the file docs/config.html for more information on the settings.
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | All paths must have a trailing slash ('/'). |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// you shouldn't need to edit theses
$_CONF['path_system'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'system/';
$_CONF['path_log'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'logs/';
$_CONF['path_language'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'language/';
$_CONF['backup_path'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'backups/';
$_CONF['path_data'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'data/';
// If you set path_images to something other than the default, you will need to
// make sure that you add the following subdirectories to that directory:
// articles/, userphotos/
$_CONF['path_images'] = $_CONF['path_html'] . 'geeklog/images/';
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PEAR Settings |
// | |
// | Geeklog uses PEAR to send emails (see "Email Settings" below). Here you |
// | can tell Geeklog whether to use the PEAR packages installed on your |
// | server or to use the included packages. |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// If your server is running PHP 4.3.0 (or newer) then chances are that PEAR
// is already installed and you can change this to: $_CONF['have_pear'] = true;
$_CONF['have_pear'] = false;
// Geeklog comes with the necessary PEAR packages and will pick them up from
// the following directory if $_CONF['have_pear'] = false (above).
$_CONF['path_pear'] = $_CONF['path_system'] . 'pear/';
Now I am assuming that everything below the last line I have pasted in the "code" is correct but if anything above that would be where the problem is. I must be missing something
I've Gone To Find Myself. If I Show Up Before I Return, Make Me Wait Here Until I Get Back.