
I have been bashing my brian over this for over 10 hours and have had no luck with this error. I have read most all other post on this and can not figure out what is wrong. Anyone have any thoughts:

$_CONF['path'] = '/srv/www/htdocs/geeklog/'; // should end in a slash

// $_CONF['path_html'] = '/path/to/your/public_html/'
$_CONF['path_html'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'public_html/';
// $_CONF['path_html'] = '/srv/www/htdocs/geeklog/public_html/';

Anyone see somthing wrong?

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
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Well, it's hard to tell since we don't know where you actually put the files ...

But if you've unpacked the tarball and renamed the geeklog_1.3.11 folder to "geeklog" then what you quoted should work.

Having said that: What you should have done, though, is put the contents of public_html into your htdocs directory and the other files into /srv/www/. As the documention tries to explain, "public_html" is just another name for "htdocs".


bye, Dirk


I have tried it both ways and still get the same error. This is the third install leaving every think unpacked in htdocs.

I will try it again. hope it works.


I must be stupid.

I completely cleaned out the htdocs and set up geeklog like the document said.

moving geeklog to /srv/www/

moving public_html to /srv/www/htdocs

set the paths as follows;

$_CONF['path'] = '/srv/www/geeklog/';
$_CONF['path_html'] ='/srv/www/htdocs/';

but I am still getting the same error about not a dir.

Need help going on 2 full days this is killing me.

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Registered: 03/22/04
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what system are you running this on?
...and are you sure that is the full path? not something higher up, e.g. /home/vir/site34/somedir/uselissdir/svr/www/htdocs.

or maybe on windows, C:/apache/htdocs/ or something like that.


my solution was to find out the real ABSOLUTE path, not some path from my web directory.

This is probably true for anyone that is hosted on a virtual host - the pathname you see when you browse the directories is not the TRUE ABSOLUTE directory path!