I have to be missing something here regarding the bars for the poll results. I read the theme instructions (8 times to be exact) and can't figure it out for the life of me how to get each answer to show a different bar color. I have a 10 answer poll so I made 10 different color bars: bar1.gif, bar2.gif...etc... and put them into the my templates pics directory. Then I modifed the pollvotes_bar.html theme to reflect this but it doesen't work.
Here's the code from that template..How would I modify this to do what I want to do??
Text Formatted Code
<td align="right"><b>{answer_text}</b></td>
<td><img src="{layout_url}/images/bar.gif" width="{bar_width}" height="10" align="bottom" alt=""> {answer_num} ({answer_percent}%)</td>