In the end you will be able to control the layout and style of any album distinguishing it from any other album via album themes. The style from these themes will be reflected on the main index page per album summary. The layout of the main index page is editable from the main style sheet. ...and of course you can mess around with the template files all you like.
You will have the ability to add new album themes simply by naming and placing a style sheet in the appropriate place and making that known in config.php. The framework is all there already.
My goal, in this regard, is to ensure that the gallery is as easily customizable as Geeklog itself while at the same time being easily integrated into any current GL theme.
e.g., here is the album summary template that displays summaries on the main index page as you see it
Text Formatted Code
<div class="{class}">
<a href="{albumlink}"><img src="{src}" alt="{alt}" title="{title}" /></a>
<ul class="inm-summdetails">
<li><span>{langowner}</span>: {owner}</li>
<li><span>{langimages}</span>: {images}</li>
<li><span>{langsubalbums}</span>: {subalbums}</li>
<!-- audio/video/code not yet supported -->
<li><span>{langhits}</span>: {hits}</li>
<div class="inm-clear"></div>
<p class="inm-linkrow">