my bad..
for those of you who have $_CONF['have_pear']=true the path to Geeklog's pear directory will not make it into PHP's include path. I assume, geKow, that you have $_CONF['have_pear']=true.
add this bit of code (modified slightly from lib-common.php) into your Inmemoriam file (anywhere near the top is fine):
Text Formatted Code
*quick fix for geeklog's pear path not included in php.ini
if ($_CONF['have_pear']){
$curPHPIncludePath = ini_get( 'include_path' );
if( defined( 'PATH_SEPARATOR' )){
$separator = PATH_SEPARATOR;
} else {
// prior to PHP 4.3.0, we have to guess the correct separator ...
$separator = ';';
if( strpos( $curPHPIncludePath, $separator ) === false ){
$separator = ':';
if( ini_set( 'include_path', $_CONF['path_pear'] . $separator . $curPHPIncludePath ) === false ){
COM_errorLog( 'ini_set failed - there may be problems using the PEAR image_transform class.', 1);
Let me know as soon as you can if that turns out to be the issue. that acually might cause a conflict, but I can't tell cuz I'm not on my box atm.