Dirk thanks for your help.
Firstly I gave up on the external form and the GL_Lockdown and am now doing things the proper way, as Dirk originally suggested.
I tried using a story and then using a static page. With the story the forum in the center without any posts kept coming up. And with the static page the message 'There are no news stories to display.' was going up. So I thought why not change those strings in english.php to what i want, like so,
Text Formatted Code
#1 => 'No News to Display',
#2 => 'There are no news stories to display. There may be no news for this topic or your user preferences may be too restrictive',
1 => '',
2 => 'You have arrived at Tenpennybags.com, which is a private family site. You can login using the form on the left or if you don\'t have an account you can sign up by clicking on \'New user\' below the form. Your registration will then be automatically emailed to the administrator of this site for approval.',
My only worry now is are those strings used somewhere else?
Next I want to try to get rid of the menu elements for anonymous. The menubar could be further reduced by using {allowed_menu_elements} instead of {menu_elements} (Dirk's idea!)
I think it looks really good.
Those who say it can't be done, are usually interrupted by others doing it.