
I'm creating a family website. Genealogy, pictures, recipes etc. Curious if anyone has used the genealogy program PhpGedView here with their site. As far as I know the only modules to integrate PhpGedView with a CMS was for Postnuke. My first attempt to use a CMS was Geeklog but register globals was a problem. Now that it has been resolved I'm taking a look again at Geeklog.

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Posts: 18
I also wish to build a family tree into my family website, which is running Geeklog.
I have built a few websites now with the Geekog structure and do not wish to start using another CMS.
If anyone ever gets the gedcom format or another operating format integrated into geeklog, i and others would be very greatful.
There is many family tree builders and lots of different software available on the net but they all concentrate on the tree being edited by 1 person or family member, as my family is spread all over the world, and hence using the geeklog login and categories would hopefully allow different members to update the family tree where required.

If there is any coders reading this thread, if you are interested in a paid job please message or email me with details and approx prices please.


Jerry Green

I have also been waiting for such an integratrion to use on my Bunting Society genealogy site

Les Campbell

I have created a CMS Integration table at my web site ( which will show the CMS packages that will work with PhpGedView or TNG. If Geeklog will work with either PhpGedView or TNG please let me know and I will add it to my list. The URL for the table is CMS Integration Table

Quote by neonsurfer: I'm creating a family website. Genealogy, pictures, recipes etc. Curious if anyone has used the genealogy program PhpGedView here with their site. As far as I know the only modules to integrate PhpGedView with a CMS was for Postnuke. My first attempt to use a CMS was Geeklog but register globals was a problem. Now that it has been resolved I'm taking a look again at Geeklog.

Jerry Green

At long last I have found a package that I can integrate with Geeklog. It is called oxy-gen. It is available from
I installed the external pages plugin and made all pages in oxy-gen external pages.

Jerry Green

I have managed to integrate oxy-gen with geeklog using external pages plugin by just changing two files (menu.php and lib_inc.php). Adding headers and footers to each page was too much work.
Jerry Green

Jerry Green

I have now managed to integrate phpgedview with Geeklog. The integration is based on code in the phpgedview download.
At present my integration only allows logged in users belonging to a specific group to access phpgedview and the integration uses an iframe.
If anyone wants me to make this integration more generally applicable please let me know.
My website is

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Registered: 02/10/04
Posts: 3
I would be interested in this integration if you'd be willing to share!




phpgedview website is strongly recommending that this interface should not be used. I am trying to find out why. Watch this space.
I hate captcha, have tried 4 times already
Jerry Green


I follow the forum over at phpgedview and haven't seen anything yet as to why geeklog should not be used. Where did you get your information from? Is there a link that you can supply so others can check it out and comment on it.



I just looked again and found this thread If this is true, then maybe these problems can be resolved.


Quote by: antiqueone

phpgedview website is strongly recommending that this interface should not be used. I am trying to find out why. Watch this space.
I hate captcha, have tried 4 times already
Jerry Green

It keeps the auto-bots from posting for the most part. Create an account here, and this Captcha wont be a problem for posting.



The problem with integration is not a Geeklog problem. I developed an interface based on the phpgedview standard interface to postnuke. This interface has now been withdrawn on the latest issue of phpgedview as I am told there is a security problem with that interface.
Hopefully, in the next few weeks I will get a chance to try the new phpgedview and investigate the interface (probably using an iframe that I hate).


If anyone is interested I now have the integration working at


Quote by: antiqueone

If anyone is interested I now have the integration working at


Hows that IFrame with PHPGedView working out for you with the staticpages? What version of PHPgedView are you using? Do you have an archive that can be downloaded, that can be dropped in to start working?
