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All plugins, except Immemoriam, are enabled in the 'Plugin List'. However, none are showing in the Admin Block. So I can't use, Staticpages, Polls or Links. There must be something I'm forgetting to do. I have two sites running off the same GL code. And the other site works fine.

I'm currently using GL version (1.4.0).
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I think I had a similiar before and it turned out to be my theme I was using. Of course another time was my gl_access table was all messed up.

To make sure it isn't the gl_access issue, try going directly to the plugin admin, example...

Text Formatted Code


If you are able to access it that way, then it may just be a theme issue, other wise you have some DB work ahead.
T.Marquez Jr. -
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I changed the theme back to professional and still no plugins in the admin block. Therefore I can conclude the problem is not the theme.
Here is the crop of a screen-shot of what I see.
I hope this isn't a DB issue, as I know little about them. There isn't much on my site so I could start again.
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It is looking to me like your GL_ACCESS table is messed up. Have you tried uninstallnig the plugin and reinstalling to see if it appears in the Admin's menu? (NOTE: Don't go nuts trying this like I did, you will just have more of a mess to clean up).

It may be easier like you mention to start over. If you site is primarily a blog with you the only person posting, you could probably dump the tables you need (stories, comments, etc?) and then import those when you redo the site (assuming you get the right userIDs back in...which in your case is 7).

Don't be afraid to be frustrated... if learning was easy, we would all be Bill Gates, or someone else equally profeicient at whatever.

Here are the tables.... to start learning....


The numbers have to line up and sometimes a plugin can whack out everything. But again this is only my guess.

What happens if you try to go to: ? Do you get a page?

T.Marquez Jr. -
Webmaster - - Geeklog 1.4.0sr5-1

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The URL,

gives a page, which can partly be viewed at

But, gives a blank page.

So it seems the Spamx plugin works, but not the others. Next I'll look at the tables you suggested.
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