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Registered: 09/29/02
Posts: 820
As of 1.4.1, I noticed that the CenterBlock's edit link is showing under the block if you have the Staticpages Admin permission. For none admin, it's fine since it doesn't show, but for an admin, the page layout just doesn't look the way it is suppost to because of the additional space under the center block with that "Edit" link hanging there that I would hardly use.

I looked at the codes and couldn't find which part relates to this. Is there anyone that knows where it is in the codes so that I can disable it?


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Registered: 09/29/02
Posts: 820
Found it in /gl/plugins/statipages/, around 517. Commented out the following codes. Can't see the need of it at the cost of layout look.

Text Formatted Code
 /* Sam commented out to remove edit link under centerblock
            if ((SEC_hasAccess ($spresult['owner_id'], $spresult['group_id'], $spresult['perm_owner'],
                $spresult['perm_group'], $spresult['perm_members'], $spresult['perm_anon']) == 3) &&
                SEC_hasRights ('staticpages.edit')) {
                $retval .= '<p align="center"><a href="' . $_CONF['site_admin_url']
                        . '/plugins/staticpages/index.php?mode=edit&sp_id='
                        . $spresult['sp_id'] . '">';
                $retval .= $LANG_STATIC['edit'] . '</a></p>';