Scott H

Ever since I upgraded from 1.39 to 1.40 I am having a long wait time for pages to load. Where they once said Page Created in 0.58 seconds now is an average of 12.00 seconds. It is not my hosting company as I have other sites not using GL that load quickly. Any ideas?


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It could be a slow DB server. If you turn off plugins that are DB heavy does the page creation time significantly decrease?

Scott H

That was it. I turned off Random Image block that link to the new GL media gallery and my average time is not less then 2 seconds. Better than 12. If I disable mediagaller I am below 1 second.


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Media Gallery shouldn't put that much load on the system, which version were you using?

There are a few configuration options you can tweak to help with load times, but I still think 12 seconds is way too long and unacceptable.

We have sites with over 2,000 albums and thousands of images out there which are not showing this type of slowdown so I would love to figure out why it is pulling your site down and see what we can do to fix it.
