
users registered to my site can't post a topic directly.
it requires my approval.
how can this be resolved????

i also have a strange problem: sometimes when i change the logo of my site, it changes normally, but sometimes it refuses to change. plz help!!!!!!!1

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Registered: 12/04/06
Posts: 43
Quote by: anurag

i also have a strange problem: sometimes when i change the logo of my site, it changes normally, but sometimes it refuses to change. plz help!!!!!!!1

Make sure you are refreshing your browser's cache. Use Ctr-Shift-R or Apple-R, on Firefox, Ctr-Click on refresh in IE, or do it from the tool-bar.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Quote by: anurag

users registered to my site can't post a topic directly.
it requires my approval.
how can this be resolved????

You can switch off the story submission queue in config.php:
Text Formatted Code
// enable (set to 1) or disable (set to 0) submission queues:
$_CONF['storysubmission'] = 1;

This probably isn't a good idea, though, considering all the spam ...

Alternatively, you can give users the story.submit permission which lets them bypass the story submission queue. Create a new group (say, 'Posters'Wink, check only the checkbox for story.submit, and assign anyone you want to give this privilege to this new group.

bye, Dirk