
I want to leave my blog so that people leave comments without having to register. However, a few spam bots have been leaving some rather offensive posts which are offensive to my audience.

Is there away to use captiva on the comments page so that spam bots can be cleared?

Or is there another way to do this?


Quote by: sohmc

I want to leave my blog so that people leave comments without having to register. However, a few spam bots have been leaving some rather offensive posts which are offensive to my audience.

Is there away to use captiva on the comments page so that spam bots can be cleared?

Or is there another way to do this?

Do you have the spam-x plugin turned on?

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Registered: 12/09/06
Posts: 3
How do you turn that on?

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
It's actually enabled by default. You should see an entry "Spam-X" under your "Admins only" block.

See the wiki and the Geeklog documentation that comes with your install for more information.

bye, Dirk

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Site Admin
Registered: 09/27/05
Posts: 1475
Spam-X is a plugin. Depending on the version of geeklog you have installed, the spam-x plugin may already be installed on your system. Spam-X lets you add keywordsthat you don't want to show up on your site. If these are detected in a comment post,forum post, etc.. then the entire post is discarded and the user will get a SPAM found message.

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.


Quote by: ironmax
Do you have the spam-x plugin turned on?[/p]

Isn't spam-x only for registration? I want to do it on the submit comments page.

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
You're confusing Spam-X and CAPTCHA. Please read some of the links I provided above ...

bye, Dirk