Have a look at the real installation instructions.
They all have a step 5
I am way beyond annoyed now with geeklog....
Now trying to install the new geeklog form as a new install and there is no step 5 in the instructions, goes from Step 4 to Step 6.
I am way beyond annoyed now with geeklog....
Now trying to install the new geeklog form as a new install and there is no step 5 in the instructions, goes from Step 4 to Step 6.
Sorry Blaine but I did proceed to step 6 and did not install, several errors.
Yes I struggle badly understanding the instructions from all the plugins for geeklog very confusing for me.
Sorry Blaine but I did proceed to step 6 and did not install, several errors.
Yes I struggle badly understanding the instructions from all the plugins for geeklog very confusing for me.
Well you be sure to let us know what's so confusing. If your in Marketing, I'm sure that you will be able write up a nice how-to once you have it figured out.
My experience is that most users get overwhelmed when they are presented with pages or paragraphs of explaination so I'm sure new users will be very appreciative if you can provide a better how to for newbies.
The installation comes down to a few copy file operations and follows the same directory layout as the default-installed plugins like staticpages, polls and links for example.
Hum ...7 hours to install and 5 mins to review all the functionality and provide a critical assessment - yep that sounds about right.
So what was causing you the installation issue - anything that can be better explained or was incorrect ?
As I said before it is a basic forum, with no options.
Install SMF as the basic intall forum and you will see how much more power it has.
phpBB also has more options without installing any mods.
Both offer a squillion mods than make them more user friendly.
Sorry but the geeklog forum is very basic.
No where for members to diplay their IM Details (Yahoo IM, MSN, Google Talk, AIM, Jabber etc...)
No where for members to proudly display their country flag under the avatar.
No where for the member to display their gender
No way of setting certain access levels to certain forums..
# Integrated Geeklog group security to create restricted forums
# Support for Readonly Forums - example FAQ use
I can go in and on but the above are basic features on both SMF and phpbb
Again sorry for wasteing your time.
Instead of only having 200 people using the forum, you could have so much more if it had a lot more features.
Both the above two forums can be installed in 5 minutes by non geeks.