Your $_CONF['path'] must not be set or you've edited your $_CONF['path_system'].
Erm, you're supposed to leave the stuff to the left of the = sign as it is. So change those back to $_CONF['path'], etc.
bye, Dirk
That's the bit about public_html in the documentation. For now, you would need to add /public_html to your $_CONF['site_url'].
bye, Dirk
I emailed about that event plugin. Emailed to your paypal email address. Not sure if you check that or not. How long would it take to get invoiced for that. It's the reason I'm installing this.
Ah, okay, i see whatcha mean now. I changed it to /signup and went back on my browser and it said i didn't have to run the install script again. But it still doesn't seem to be working. page not found at /signin
Ah, okay, i see whatcha mean now. I changed it to /signup and went back on my browser and it said i didn't have to run the install script again. But it still doesn't seem to be working. page not found at /signin
My bad, signup... I have signup on the config file and on the directories.
My bad, signup... I have signup on the config file and on the directories.
Oh! Maybe this is a 3rd party's plugin?
So this is how I have my paths now...