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Can this be done, I am using Joomla and I am using that module so each day I geta zipped database on my email.
Has somebody think about this?

Thank you

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Try phpMyBackupPro it does emails with a compressed MySQL and pseudo cron. Both works.

Have you tried to restore backups from Joomla, does it work? Mambo had used reserved words in their programming, restoring was a nightmare.

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FWIW, I wouldn't want the 20 MB of the database emailed to me every day :shock:

We're using this tried and tested script on the server side and I'm running a cronjob on my local machine to download the latest tarball every night.

The local script looks something like this:
Text Formatted Code

today=`date +%Y%m%d`
day=`date +%u`

cd /home/dirk/geeklog-backups

ftp${today}_daily_backup.sql.tar.gz > /dev/null
mv ${today}_daily_backup.sql.tar.gz db-daily-${day}.tar.gz

The final "mv" will rename the files such that I'll only keep the latest 7 backups. Leave that out if you want to keep them all.


bye, Dirk

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yes it works with joomla nicely

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Quote by: garfy

yes it works with joomla nicely

Well, let's all move over to Joomla! :wink:
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The advantage with phpMyBackupPro is that it backs up any MySQL on the webspace. So if you have anything else like Jommla or Drupal you may have it sent by mail too.

If you consider that online freemail accounts have 500-1000MB space nowadays then this is quite a practical solution. Keep the last 3 backups and be happy!

I quite like it. :banana:

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Quote by: 1000ideen

If you consider that online freemail accounts have 500-1000MB space nowadays then this is quite a practical solution. Keep the last 3 backups and be happy!I quite like it.

Yep, but often with a limited file size of 5 MB, so you better check that first before you're wondering why it doesn't work Mr. Green
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Quote by: beewee

Quote by: garfy

yes it works with joomla nicely

Well, let's all move over to Joomla! :wink:

Joomla!? What the heck is that. <wink>

And why the exclamation point? Does that reflect the amount of surprise that occurs when you actually figure out that you have successfully completed the 50 different things you needed to do to create that simple calendar app you needed?


Just some good-natured ribbing to all of the Joomla! fans out there ..

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Quote by: beewee

Quote by: garfy

yes it works with joomla nicely

Well, let's all move over to Joomla! :wink:

Geeklog would kick Joomla ass anytime, even if it does not have so many modules, if, I am saying IF

SEO of Geeklog would be fixed, I would rather use geeklog than Joomla.

I have built 50 websites in Joomla and it always comes down to lame SEO suppport, nothing ever works, seo modules just dont work right now for Joomla 1,5, everything else does and I am so pissed and it is too late to switch to Drupal.

And Drupal can be too much resource hungry

Why for god sake nobody takes care of proper SEO in Geeklog I dont know. It is just a lame *censored*ing excuse not to be good.

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Quote by: mst3kroqs

Quote by: beewee

Quote by: garfy

yes it works with joomla nicely

Well, let's all move over to Joomla! :wink:

Joomla!? What the heck is that. <wink>

And why the exclamation point? Does that reflect the amount of surprise that occurs when you actually figure out that you have successfully completed the 50 different things you needed to do to create that simple calendar app you needed?


Just some good-natured ribbing to all of the Joomla! fans out there ..

I am not a Joomla fan at all, it is messed up. I think the best thing to use is Drupal right now. It works like it should.

But Geeklog is not bad either, everything works, the only thing that is bothering me is the phpbb support and that lame idiot Turias that just gave up on the project.

SO I cant not upgrade my Geeklog site ever again because phpbb2 will not work.

If I switch to the forum that geeklog uses instead of phpbb2 bridge there are so many flaws, you get the code for coloured text, smilies are not working and other crap and it looks horrible.

Staying with Geeklog 1,4,1 for life sucks big time

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But Geeklog is not bad either, everything works, the only thing that is bothering me is the phpbb support and that lame idiot Turias that just gave up on the project.

SO I cant not upgrade my Geeklog site ever again because phpbb2 will not work.

Well, since the company I'm recently working for, also has some forums running on phpbb and has bought some of my Geeklog sites, it might be possible that we'll upgrade the phpbb bridge some time (but not very soon) to integrate the forums and sites somehow.

Well, let's all move over to Joomla! Wink

That was a small joke of course. If it didn't look like that: my apologies. I've installed Joomla on a testsite recently because I liked one of the classifieds modules (which Geeklog doesn't have), and I now know I'll never be a Joomla fan.

If I had to choose a new CMS, I think I would go for Drupal, but I don't want to go through a new "learning curve" again and will stick to Geeklog, also because of the sites I'm running with Geeklog already. It's a nice solid CMS with about 90% of what everybody needs to run a portal, so why look for more?

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