
Before upgrading to 1.5.1 my advanced editor had a means of inserting media gallery items into stories. I think I got the editor from the media gallery website. Has this editor been made available for 1.5.1 etc? If so where can I download it from?

I have seen about auto tags auto linking etc but I don't understand any of it - using such things manually is way beyond me or my users.

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add following line
Text Formatted Code

Text Formatted Code

FCKConfig.EMailProtection = 'encode' ; // none | encode | function
FCKConfig.EMailProtectionFunction = 'mt(NAME,DOMAIN,SUBJECT,BODY)' ;

in file fckconfig.js

also in myconfig.js

add 'mediagallery' in tool bar.

for example
Text Formatted Code

-- - Pakistani News
Where YOU report the news


I have made these changes to my editor. The editor on screen has not changed at all. I have added media gallery to all toolbars to make sure I'm not missing it, but still nothing appears.

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Registered: 01/14/05
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Hello antiqueone,

You can read this article Media Gallery Media Browser FCKeditor Plugin - version 1.5.1 to install the browser and download the plugin here.

And you can download last Media Gallery version 1.5.1 on

I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS


Thanks Cordiste. That works great.