
I get this error after installing the forum mod per instructions.

An error has occurred:
(This text is only displayed to users in the group 'Root'Wink
2 - require_once(/home/content/t/i/m/timothy7873/html/geek/system/lib-portalparts.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory @ /home/content/t/i/m/timothy7873/html/geek/plugins/forum/functions.inc line 54

i get the forum install plugin, however this is the error i get after clicking the link to install.
i put the lib-portalparts.php in my main public directory... root/html/lib-portalparts.php
i no of knowehere else to put it, the instructions state to put it were other lib-xxxxxxx.php files are and the only other lib file i see is lib-common.php and it is located in /root/html/

any help or suggestions appreciated.


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Registered: 01/12/02
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The lib-portalparts.php is supposed to go into /path/to/geeklog/system

bye, Dirk

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Forum User
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Registered: 03/09/05
Posts: 242
I have a problem in my forum, when some is answered post, and it keeps, does not show to anything post to me that assumes I keep. he only appears the headed one. to that it will have this?
**Cuando el Alumno esta listo, el Maestro Aparece **
::Geeklog support in Spanish::

Jon Thompson

Same error here also - because the developers of geeklog framework allowed external plug-ins to crash the main code instead of providing elegant solution showing that the plug-in is misconfigured... This software frustrates me to no end - I will never use it for my personal use - has a long way to go before maturity.

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Registered: 09/27/05
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Your forum plugin must be an older version. The current version of the plugin doesn't require lib-portalparts.

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Registered: 01/19/12
Posts: 1
This must be my issue as well, Thanks for the help!