that your gloomy outlook isn't shared by everyone
I will be happy if it is not, at least the core people seem to be quite complacent with the plethora of links you have
given. Google summer of code needs to thrive, and Gl is not yet dead, so why it should not include GL ? Just imagine where
Google was and GL was at the beginning, and it should have been the other way round. Sigh.
Now for the main reasons why it is dying :
- please have an unbiased look at usage and adoption curve of drupal, joomla, wp and GL
- aptitude and GL2 seems to be walking the same dead slow path - look at dev rc-s of other cms-es
- no php5x initiative
- no "social networking profile" bias ( aptitude has some pages but useless) while *all* other cms-es have moved towards
- lack of relevant modules compared to ...again, drupal, joomla etc
and, now, please compare the developer and participant activity at these two forums, unbiasedly , that is ( see the stats
of 5-6 years back also to realise the downfall of GL)
drupal forum -
GL forum -
Drupal forum -
It will be nice if the outputs of Summer camps are compared with that of say, Drupal.
Winning opensource awards is not important as awards are not always judge of performance but then GL has been abysmal at
these too, over these years. I am not posting links, as they will be an embarassment. But you may say if everyone is
happy, why complain ?