Ok, let's see.
> Did you copy over all the theme glmenu files to that theme?
I moved aside the old layout dir, created a new one, download and installed a bunch of new themes from the demo site and then copied the glmenu directory into all of them:
Text Formatted Code
for dir in /path/to/geeklog/public_html/layout/*
cp -rp glmenu $dir
chown -R apache.apache /path/to/geeklog/public_html/layout
It would have been more difficult to only copy some of the files. ...And no, I didn't saturate the disk. Usage is at 44% on that partition.
> Verify you have an up to date portalparts.php file in the system directory.
A diff between the one in system and the one in plugins/glmenu shows the files are identical. This is the only version of glmenu I've downloaded, current as of about 3 weeks ago.
It's too bad I can't test this on the demo site.
> Did you set the permissions correctly for the CSS files within /layout/smooth_blue/glmenu/
*.CSS files in all sub-directories? Should be chmod 777 Read/Write/change.
All files are owned by apache, so it shouldn't be necessary (and is arguably dangerous) to have the cssmenu and all it's files chmod 777 since they're in public_html, and it's not that way in the professional theme which does work, but I'll bite.
Text Formatted Code
cd path_to_geeklog/public_html/layout/Smooth_Blue/glmenu
find cssmenu -exec chmod 777 {} \;
> Delete the cookie for that site you are testing on and delete the cache files.
A reasonable suggestion, I had not thought of that. Deleting all private data, including browsing history, cache, cookies, and offline website data.
...nope. Still works in Professional but not Smooth Blue.
What I'm using as a test is the "links" submenu, which you get for free with glmenu, to eliminate possible configuration issues within glmenu itself. Although it's hard to imagine a configuration issue that would cause it to work in one theme but not the other -- the issue pretty much has to be theme related.
Oh, *this* is interesting. I hardly ever bring up Internet Explorer, but checked just now for completeness, and it works there. But not with Firefox 3.0.10. Fascinating.
I guess the next step is to ask Blaine.
> PS. The email reply address was incorrect in the email you sent to me. Email was returned as Unknown User and your name.
I guess that's possible, let me send an email to that address from work...
...nope, received fine. The domain is a moon of Jupiter, not a continent in the eastern hemisphere. When people bounce mail to me, that's the most common error. The username is my first name and the first letter of my last name, not my initials as in the handle used here. I haven't done business with that ISP for years, except to maintain the email address, which I've had since the early nineties.