Actually, the problem appears to be Mac OS X 10.6, not Geeklog. I had a lot of problems with my iMac at home as well and ended up having to build my own PHP and Apache to get it to work.
Here's one discussion from Apple's discussion boards.
bye, Dirk
The discussion you pointed me to seems to indicate that if the proper "handles" are included in the mysql_close function in the code that things work fine. Is it possible that this is the case for geeklog 1.4.1, joomla etc? that perhaps the upgrade scripts don't have that specified?
The funny thing is that Geeklog itself doesn't use mysql_close at all - only the install script uses it. And of the 3 occurences there, only one isn't using a db handle: The one in function mysql_v in lib-install.php. Try commenting out that line.
bye, Dirk
I used bbedit to search all the files in the admin/install directory for "@mysql_close"
I found two files with missing "handles":
lib-install.php and index.php
I commented out both lines and the upgrade went perfectly.
(This was upgrading to 1.5.2sr4 rather than 6.0.x)
I still don't understand why the GUI install doesn't suck the settings out of my config.php file though. Oh well, i am a happy user now.
The funny thing is that Geeklog itself doesn't use mysql_close at all