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I've renewed my geekLog association again. Last contact was 2003.

Now that I started a new website, I do have trouble to make the right decisions.

First, it is not clear what the status is of current plugins with respect to GL2.0. has a nice page, hinting on the compatibility. But I suspect some trouble when installing the plugins of my choice. That is because the install docs in the tarball speaks diferently than the official geeklog documentation.

Second, I can't find plugins that I need:
Monkey Reading about the downloads plugin of and being familiar with the "oldish" file-management plugin, I am not sure which one to use.
Monkey Same on the "oldish" glMenu plugin. Is the navman plugin of doing the same?
Monkey Cannot find the faqmanager plugin, though I do have a version of 2003. See also below.

Third, I do miss some important features of the main menu configuration:
Monkey I would like to tie "contribute" to a login. Well, I could amend the theme, but that is not the way.
Monkey I don't need "directory".
Monkey I rather would have "avanced search" as a search-box-option.

Fourth, I do have a few old plugins, but cannot find the information what to add to make it GL2.0 compatible.

Exclamation using monkeys because the list does not work

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Good point about the compatibility of plugins with 2.0.0. We could move old plugins to a "legacy" category in the downloads area to make it clearer which ones can or can not be used with 2.0.0. But we would need help in identifying those that don't work any more.

Tom explained the changes in the Geeklog 2.0.0 announcement.

I guess the latest version of the FAQ Manager plugin is .

You can hide the Article Directory in the Configuration, see Theme > Menu Elements.

As for login before contributing, that's also a Configuration option: Users and Submissions > Login Settings > Submit Login required.

Tip: The Configuration has a search function - try typing a keyword for what you're looking for.

I do miss the Advanced Search, too. That's a theme issue, though, and can easily be changed in the theme files.

bye, Dirk

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Great ! Mr. Green Blushing because I overlooked huge configuration options.

Thanks Dirk. I'm on my way with configuration. Great support !


I wouldn't be without a MENU option. Here's what I have on it:

On another issue using the Denim-Responsive-Theme, I moved all BLOCKs into the Left-Block since I don't want a Right-Column. BUT the Left-Block kept shifting into a Right-Column when there wasn't enough room for 2-Columns on a page. The major issue here is not in any PHP-Code but with Denim's STYLE.CSS.

After making some changes to keep everything on the left, I noticed having the Traditional Search-Box and Advanced-Search-Link back in the top of the left column. If you go the link above, just look at the page source for the CSS changes I've made so far. I don't think I have it complete yet BUT I believe it's complete enough to GO LIVE.

As for all the other Plug-Ins, yea I'd be very hesitant. I'm only using ONE additional Plugin and it's the MENU-Plugin.

I think Geeklog 2.0.0 limits customizations to one's own imagination and determination.


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I see you have made some changes to the Menu plugin to get it to work. You should try contacting the author to update him on the changes so he can possibly release a new version. If you can't get a hold of him you might want to consider releasing your own new version.

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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I can and I surely will update the menu plugin for Geeklog 2.0. Let's talk about features request in this topic Smile

I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS


Hey Laugh, Hey Ben.

Whom ever created that MENU-Plugin sure put a lot of work into it. I'm quite surprised that this Plugin hasn't been at the Top of the List of all Plugins.

I don't know if anyone noticed using the new "winky12"-Theme that once you navigate away from the Home-Page, you can't get back to home unless you type in the Site's URL.

The one more obvious addition would be to have an Internal/Relative-Links item choice; and of course keeping the External-Link item.

This would help if a person has to move a site to a different domain; or a different domain for testing-purposes.

CSS customizations for Menu-Shapes (not images) could be a next focus.

As for functionality, I can't see how anyone can be without it because altering the MENU is quick and easy after an initial installation and configuration.

I most heavily rely on the Sub-Menus and External-Links. IF this is all it did, I would still keep using it.

I suppose that I should officially register after this post ... (I think Geeklog is a Hidden-Gem)

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Whom ever created that MENU-Plugin sure put a lot of work into it

About Menu plugin

Text Formatted Code
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Menu Plugin 1.0                                                           |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                                                             |
// |                                                                           |
// | This file does two things: 1) it implements the necessary Geeklog Plugin  |
// | API methods and 2) implements all the common code needed by this plugin.  |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (C) 2012 by the following authors:                              |
// |                                                                           |
// | Authors: Ben - ben AT geeklog DOT fr                                      |
// |                                                                           |
// | Based on the original Sitetailor Plugin                                   |
// | Copyright (C) 2008-2011 by the following authors:                         |
// |                                                                           |
// | Mark R. Evans - mark AT glfusion DOT org                                  |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Created with the Geeklog Plugin Toolkit.                                  |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                                                                           |
// | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or             |
// | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License               |
// | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2            |
// | of the License, or (at your option) any later version.                    |
// |                                                                           |
// | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           |
// | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            |
// | GNU General Public License for more details.                              |
// |                                                                           |
// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         |
// | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,   |
// | Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.           |
// |                                                                           |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+

As for functionality, I can't see how anyone can be without it because altering the MENU is quick and easy after an initial installation and configuration.

Config allow to custom the menu as CUSTOM_menuEntries function (see system/lib-custom.php file)

Text Formatted Code

* This is an example of a function that returns menu entries to be used for
* the 'custom' entry in $_CONF['menu_elements'] (see configuration).

function CUSTOM_menuEntries ()
    global $_CONF, $_USER;

    $myentries = array ();

    // Sample link #1: Link to Gallery
    $myentries[] = array ('url'   => $_CONF['site_url'] . '/gallery/',
                          'label' => 'Gallery');

    // Sample link #2: Link to the Personal Calendar - only visible for
    // logged-in users
    if (!empty ($_USER['uid']) && ($_USER['uid'] > 1)) {
        $myentries[] = array ('url'   => $_CONF['site_url']
                                         . '/calendar/index.php?mode=personal',
                              'label' => 'My Calendar');

    return $myentries;

I most heavily rely on the Sub-Menus and External-Links. IF this is all it did, I would still keep using it.

That is the purpose of the menu plugin Wink

I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS

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Menu plugin for #Geeklog CMS 2.0 is available for download
Please read documentation on the wiki for fixes, new features and changes.

I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS

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I did say that I would create a UserName to Login as.

In my opinion, a Menu-Option is a Major-Omission in Geeklog and a MENU-Option could make Geeklog become a more Major-CMS.

I've downloaded your updated plugin BUT I have yet to test it. I've got so many Irons-n-the-Fire that I'm unable to focus my attention on the (overdue) UPDATED Version at the moment. However, I'm very interested !!!

I have examples of both WITH and WITHOUT a menu:


2. WITH:

I've been busy with two PHP Links Directories at:

I'll be back with a report after I've tested the UPDATED Menu.

THANK YOU !!! ... (for the follow up update)
