It's hard to say what is going wrong when I don't have the code.
Here is the polls plugin uninstall function. It show you how to tell Geeklog to uninstall things like tables, security groups, security features, and blocks.
Text Formatted Code
function plugin_autouninstall_polls ()
$out = array (
/* give the name of the tables, without $_TABLES[] */
'tables' => array('pollanswers','polltopics','pollvoters','pollquestions'),
/* give the full name of the group, as in the db */
'groups' => array('Polls Admin'),
/* give the full name of the feature, as in the db */
'features' => array('polls.edit',
/* give the full name of the block, including 'phpblock_', etc */
'php_blocks' => array('phpblock_polls'),
/* give all vars with their name */
'vars'=> array()
return $out;
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.